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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 497

Chapter 497 Surgery

Yelena's breathing had stabilized as she lay in the hospital bed. It seemed like she was no longer in critical condition.

"Hank, you have worked hard taking care of Yelena. You should go and have a rest since there is time. Yelena will be sad if you collapse from exhaustion by the time she wakes up."

Elspeth felt something she couldn't put into words when she looked at the serious and focused expression on the man's face.

"I'm alright. I slept for an hour just now."

"You've been here all day and you've only had an hour to sleep?" She sighed. Just as she was about to continue persuading him, she suddenly noticed small signs of Yelena opening her eyes. She immediately exclaimed, "Is Yelena waking up?!"

When Hank came back to his senses, he watched the fingers in his palm trembling slightly. It was as if she really was about to wake up.

As expected, Yelena opened her eyes a few moments later.


Seeing the man whom she had been thinking about day and night, Yelena called out his name in a hoarse voice as tears filled her eyes.

Hank poured some warm water into a glass on the table beside him, slid in a straw, and brought it to her mouth. "Have some water. Your voice is all raspy."

Yelena gave a nod and took small sips of water. She looked like she was doing well.

"Elspeth! You came, too!"

The aggrievance Yelena felt made her want to cry when she saw Elspeth standing behind Hank.

"You really don't make things easier for me, do you? You don't even take care of yourself when you are abroad!" Elspeth scolded her out of worry. However, her guilt quickly bubbled up when she looked at Yelena's pale face.

Yelena obviously didn't mind. She even flashed an embarrassed smile and curled up her lips. "Alright, alright. I will pay attention next time."

"Did I hear you say 'next time'?!" Elspeth roared. It pained her to see Yelena in her current condition.

Elspeth and Hank thought about letting Yelena rest for a while, now that she had finished drinking the water. Hank turned to Elspeth and suggested, "Why don't the two of you get some rest? You can leave Yelena to me."

"We are done resting. You should go rest instead." Elspeth then loudly snitched on Hank to Yelena. "Hank rushed here first thing after he found out something had happened to you. He hasn't had any shut-eye at all."

Yelena was touched when she heard this, and she reached out with difficulty to tug on his finger.

"Get some rest, Hank."

Hank's eyes were utterly red, but he was determined as he shook his head. "I'm not sleepy. I feel more at ease if I watch you here."

"I will be fine. You must rest. No one can take care of you if you fall sick as well."

Under normal circumstances, Yelena would have pointed at him and started to nag. Now, she could only lie on the bed and speak in a trembling voice.

However, it was exactly these words of hers that Hank listened to. He looked at her with a deep gaze and nodded. "Mhm, I got it. I will go take a rest. Let Elspeth know if you don't feel well in any way, okay?"

Yelena only beamed again after hearing that. "Don't worry. I know what to do."

As Hank stood up, he felt a wave of dizziness hit him due to the long hours without sleep and food. He struggled to find his footing before he turned around and solemnly reminded Elspeth, "Remember to alert me first thing if something is wrong with Yelena."

Elspeth promptly agreed to it.

After Hank left, Yelena looked at Elspeth's face and told her in a tired voice, "I'm a little sleepy, Elspeth. I feel like sleeping for a bit."

Elspeth nodded, and she felt as though her heart had melted when she reached out to pat Yelena on the head. "Rest up," she cooed. "I will be right beside you."

Hearing that, Yelena slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Elspeth and Callum then took a seat on the couch beside them. The volume of their voices had lowered by many decibels as they chatted.


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