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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 498

Chapter 498 Donate My Bone Marrow to Yelena

Despite that, this coach insisted on having Max participate in the race. He made Max join such a high-intensity and high-risk competition even though Max was not in the best state.

A hint of hatred flashed in Callum's eyes when he thought about this.

Jinn must have realized that Callum was about to lose his temper, so he quickly softened his tone. "Please don't get mad, Mr. Winthrop. W-We had no choice too. The organizer would definitely be upset if Max had left just like that. It wouldn't be good for his future development…"

"'Future development'? He is my younger brother. Does he even need to race to have a good future?"

Indeed, Callum wasn't wrong.

The Winthrop Family ran a big business. Even if Max sat around and did nothing, he could still enjoy the rest of his life without worry.

Jinn was immediately at a loss for words upon hearing that.

"I will let it go if Max is fine, but if something were to happen to him…"

Callum didn't continue the rest of his sentence, but Jinn knew for sure that the man would be after his neck.

And so, he shut his mouth and quietly prayed.

The red light was still on even after two hours. However, a doctor did come out of the ward.

"Which one of you is Max Winthrop's family?"

Callum stood up and walked up to the doctor. "I am."

The doctor looked at Callum's dark expression and sighed. "I'm sorry. We did our best."

They did their best? Callum's eyes turned red as the veins on his forehead bulged. Instead of a human being, he looked more like a beast out of control at this moment. "Say that again," he warned.

"Mr. Winthrop, I know that it is hard for you to accept this, but we have been trying to save him for so many hours. We are sure there is little to no chance to keep him alive."

The doctor also felt regretful at the thought of a fresh-faced young man like Max losing his life because of a mistake he made during the race.

"Little to no chance? So, there is still a chance." Callum's eyes narrowed. His gaze was practically on fire as he growled, "You must keep him alive no matter the cost."

After all, Max was his younger brother. He was his baby brother who grew up stumbling after him while calling his name lovingly.

There was no way Callum could accept the fact that such a young life was coming to an end just like that.

"Don't worry, Mr. Winthrop. We will do our very best. However, I would like you to be mentally prepared. There is only a small chance that he will live."

The doctor regretfully lowered his head and turned around to reenter the emergency room.

Jinn, who was behind Callum, could feel the goosebumps all over his body. Something terrible really did happen to Max. What is Callum Winthrop thinking? Does he think that it's my fault? Will he take his revenge on me?

Jinn's mind was a mess now. Rubbing his hands together, he was worried that the man in front of him would turn around and throw a punch at him.

"Mr. Zaydon."

Jinn couldn't help but cower when the cold voice sounded.

"Yes, Mr. Winthrop? Is something the matter?"

"Look at my brother now. Care to explain yourself?

When Callum turned his head to look at Jinn, his eyes were filled with unadulterated ruthlessness and murderous intent.

"Mr. Winthrop, I-I know that I did wrong, but it did not happen because of me! I only carried out my responsibility and advised him to finish the race. I didn't cross any lines! Also, I didn't do anything to his car that caused him to crash!"

Jinn was at a loss for what to do. I'm not even the direct cause of the accident, so why is Callum blaming everything on me?!


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