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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 541

Chapter 541 Why Do You Have to Compare?

On the other hand, Elspeth tugged at Callum's hand, signaling him not to be so harsh. Then, he let it slide for her sake.

"I heard you're pregnant?" Gilbert suddenly asked.

She was caught off guard that he knew about it and figured Isabel must have seen the pregnancy test when she visited and told him about it.

"I had an abortion." She could tell Callum's mood had changed when she said that.

"You should rest up." For some reason, Gilbert didn't feel anything. There were no mixed emotions as he expected. "Would it bother your rest if I bring Isabel over today?"

"Since you've mentioned it, go ahead and bring her here. I'll be fine."

Relieved, he took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll go now."

Returning home, Gilbert called out in the hallway but got no response. He felt guilty, thinking Isabel might be upset since he took her away. He went upstairs, knocked on her door gently, and said, "Isabel, come out. I need to talk to you."

Since there had been no response, he finally decided to force his way inside due to his unsettling intuition. He noticed the room was spotless as if no one had ever lived there. His heart tightened as he looked around and spotted a white note on the desk. He read it and was speechless. 'Gilbert, I know you don't like me, and I'm not running away out of spite. Don't worry; I won't bother you or Elspeth. I'll find a job somewhere. I've grown up and have some savings, so I'll be fine. Goodbye." The words were curt but firm.

Suddenly, Gilbert felt dizzy, not expecting Isabel to run away. He had no choice but to tell Elspeth and send people to search for her. Hearing about Isabel through the phone, Elspeth sprang up from the couch. "What did you say?"

"Isabel ran away."

She found the remark that Isabel would run away a little preposterous, given that she had never seen Isabel do anything so outlandish. She had always been so well-mannered that finding flaws in her was difficult.

On the other hand, Elspeth tugged at Callum's hand, signaling him not to be so harsh. Then, he let it slide for her sake.

"Why did she run away?"

"Maybe because I said some harsh words to her this morning." He still wanted to take responsibility, even though he knew Isabel crossed the line first.

"She's only a kid. If you don't like her, simply talk to her, and she'll listen—" Elspeth spoke anxiously.

Nonetheless, Gilbert didn't try to defend himself. He sighed and rubbed his forehead before saying, "Don't worry, I will definitely find her."

The busy tone interrupted him, and he realized she had hung up on him a while ago. He couldn't waste any more time and started looking for Isabel at places where she might work. Where would a girl who has never attended school and has no work experience go? Suddenly, he had an idea of where she could be.

The Luna Bar during the day only had a few customers, but it still reeked of smoke and alcohol. When Gilbert arrived, he saw a girl in a maid outfit carrying a tray resembling Isabel from behind. He rushed forward and tapped her shoulder but was disappointed to see a panicked face he didn't recognize. He returned to the bar and asked the staff on duty, "Have you seen a girl about the same height as that one, but a bit slimmer, with straight black hair and big eyes?" He described Isabel's appearance to the person as best as he could, but they shook their heads and said they hadn't seen her.

Then, he clenched his fists, feeling even more uneasy. He suddenly realized that he might have been too aggressive and should have considered her feelings when he spoke to her. Still, finding her was the most urgent matter now. If she isn't here, then where could she be? He thought carefully and remembered another place.


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