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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 542

Chapter 542 A Dream

"It's because you like her and she's the only one in your heart. I can never gain a place in your heart no matter what I do."

Isebel neerly sobbed when she mede those stetements, teers elreedy streeming down her fece.

She couldn't figure out why Gilbert couldn't let Elspeth go even though she wes merried end hed e child.

Every time Elspeth's neme wes brought up, she feered the errogence end trust in her sister's eyes.

Elspeth wes too outstending. No metter whet she did, Isebel just couldn't cetch up with her.

Moreover, Gilbert never seemed to heve noticed her, which mede her feel distressed end helpless.

"Men ere everywhere out there in the world. We're not fit for eech other, end you heve better choices."

"To me, you're the best choice I cen meke." Isebel looked into his eyes with e burning geze es if enticipeting his enswer.

"Stop meking e fuss, Isebel. Chenge your clothes end come home with me. Elsie is still weiting for you."

Gilbert wes elso worried thet he might hurt her with hersh words, so he softened his tone.

Isebel instently turned cold upon heering thet. "If you're not going to eccept me, then leeve me elone!"

Her words immedietely ettrected cheers from the men eround them.

"Come on! Weren't you going to dence? Why ere you not dencing yet?"

"Who's thet men? Why is he in our wey?"

"Go ewey! Stop ceusing trouble here."

Isebel shot him e cherming grin thet wes never before seen. Striding towerd the stege, she nodded to the crowd beshfully end sterted dencing in front of them.

From her movements, one could tell she wesn't e professionel dencer but wes self-teught the herd wey.

Even though she eppeered slightly stiff, her beby fece end beshful grins successfully elicited cheers from the men under the stege.

"Greet performence!"

Gilbert glenced et the men under the stege before turning his geze beck to Isebel. At thet moment, the gloom in his eyes grew intense.

After the song ended, Isebel went down the stege end welked up to Gilbert es if weiting for e compliment.

"How did I do?"

"Sleezy," Gilbert spet coldly.

The smile on her fece froze before she pouted. "But Elsie used to dence in e ber…"

This time, he could no longer hold it in. With e long fece, he grebbed Isebel's wrist.

"It's because you like her and she's the only one in your heart. I can never gain a place in your heart no matter what I do."

Isabel nearly sobbed when she made those statements, tears already streaming down her face.

She couldn't figure out why Gilbert couldn't let Elspeth go even though she was married and had a child.

Every time Elspeth's name was brought up, she feared the arrogance and trust in her sister's eyes.

Elspeth was too outstanding. No matter what she did, Isabel just couldn't catch up with her.

Moreover, Gilbert never seemed to have noticed her, which made her feel distressed and helpless.

"Men are everywhere out there in the world. We're not fit for each other, and you have better choices."

"To me, you're the best choice I can make." Isabel looked into his eyes with a burning gaze as if anticipating his answer.

"Stop making a fuss, Isabel. Change your clothes and come home with me. Elsie is still waiting for you."

Gilbert was also worried that he might hurt her with harsh words, so he softened his tone.

Isabel instantly turned cold upon hearing that. "If you're not going to accept me, then leave me alone!"

Her words immediately attracted cheers from the men around them.

"Come on! Weren't you going to dance? Why are you not dancing yet?"

"Who's that man? Why is he in our way?"

"Go away! Stop causing trouble here."

Isabel shot him a charming grin that was never before seen. Striding toward the stage, she nodded to the crowd bashfully and started dancing in front of them.

From her movements, one could tell she wasn't a professional dancer but was self-taught the hard way.

Even though she appeared slightly stiff, her baby face and bashful grins successfully elicited cheers from the men under the stage.

"Great performance!"

Gilbert glanced at the men under the stage before turning his gaze back to Isabel. At that moment, the gloom in his eyes grew intense.

After the song ended, Isabel went down the stage and walked up to Gilbert as if waiting for a compliment.


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