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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 542

On the other hand, Elspeth tugged at Callum’s hand, signaling him not to be so harsh. Then, he let it slide for her sake.
On the other hand, Elspeth tugged at Callum’s hand, signaling him not to be so harsh. Then, he let it slide for her sake. 

“I heard you’re pregnant?” Gilbert suddenly asked.

She was caught off guard that he knew about it and figured Isabel must have seen the pregnancy test when she visited and told him about it.

“I had an abortion.” She could tell Callum’s mood had changed when she said that.

“You should rest up.” For some reason, Gilbert didn’t feel anything. There were no mixed emotions as he expected. “Would it bother your rest if I bring Isabel over today?”

“Since you’ve mentioned it, go ahead and bring her here. I’ll be fine.”

Relieved, he took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll go now.”

Returning home, Gilbert called out in the hallway but got no response. He felt guilty, thinking Isabel might be upset since he took her away. He went upstairs, knocked on her door gently, and said, “Isabel, come out. I need to talk to you.”

Since there had been no response, he finally decided to force his way inside due to his unsettling intuition. He noticed the room was spotless as if no one had ever lived there. His heart tightened as he looked around and spotted a white note on the desk. He read it and was speechless. ‘Gilbert, I know you don’t like me, and I’m not running away out of spite. Don’t worry; I won’t bother you or Elspeth. I’ll find a job somewhere. I’ve grown up and have some savings, so I’ll be fine. Goodbye.” The words were curt but firm.

Suddenly, Gilbert felt dizzy, not expecting Isabel to run away. He had no choice but to tell Elspeth and send people to search for her. Hearing about Isabel through the phone, Elspeth sprang up from the couch. “What did you say?”

“Isabel ran away.”

She found the remark that Isabel would run away a little preposterous, given that she had never seen Isabel do anything so outlandish. She had always been so well-mannered that finding flaws in her was difficult.

“Why did she run away?”

“Maybe because I said some harsh words to her this morning.” He still wanted to take responsibility, even though he knew Isabel crossed the line first.

“She’s only a kid. If you don’t like her, simply talk to her, and she’ll listen—” Elspeth spoke anxiously.

Nonetheless, Gilbert didn’t try to defend himself. He sighed and rubbed his forehead before saying, “Don’t worry, I will definitely find her.”

The busy tone interrupted him, and he realized she had hung up on him a while ago. He couldn’t waste any more time and started looking for Isabel at places where she might work. Where would a girl who has never attended school and has no work experience go? Suddenly, he had an idea of where she could be.

The Luna Bar during the day only had a few customers, but it still reeked of smoke and alcohol. When Gilbert arrived, he saw a girl in a maid outfit carrying a tray resembling Isabel from behind. He rushed forward and tapped her shoulder but was disappointed to see a panicked face he didn’t recognize. He returned to the bar and asked the staff on duty, “Have you seen a girl about the same height as that one, but a bit slimmer, with straight black hair and big eyes?” He described Isabel’s appearance to the person as best as he could, but they shook their heads and said they hadn’t seen her.

Then, he clenched his fists, feeling even more uneasy. He suddenly realized that he might have been too aggressive and should have considered her feelings when he spoke to her. Still, finding her was the most urgent matter now. If she isn’t here, then where could she be? He thought carefully and remembered another place.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the second most famous bar in town, Celestial Tavern. As Gilbert walked in, he caught sight of a thin figure standing near the stage. It was Isabel. Even though she had put on heavy makeup and looked quite different, he could still recognize her innocent face.

What is this girl doing? He was furious. So, he approached her and grabbed her arm when she was about to go on stage. “What are you doing?”

However, she was surprised but not shocked to be caught red-handed. I’m aware of his skills, and the fact that he could track me down so quickly suggests that he must have feelings for me, right? Soon, that thought was quickly extinguished. It’s not possible. It’s merely his responsibility to watch out for me. Ultimately, she remained silent, looking at him quietly.

“Do you know what you’re doing? Why did you leave without saying anything? Why did you come here and start this kind of job?”

Isabel was already 18, and there was no way she could have been ignorant of the potential consequences. Still, she decided to take the chance and work at the bar, something Gilbert found incomprehensible.

“I-I’m already an adult, so why can’t I work here?” She bit her lip and added, “Besides, Elspeth also worked at this kind of place before—”

The instant he heard Elspeth’s name, he realized what Isabel was referring to and snorted angrily. “How can your experience compare to hers?”

Little did he know that those words cut her deeply. Her face turned pale in an instant. “I know my experience can’t compare to hers,” she said, her lips trembling with sadness. “Moreover, experience is gained through life, isn’t it? As long as I work here—”

“Enough! Stop fooling around and come with me.” Gilbert grabbed her wrist and prepared to take her away, but she shook him off fiercely.

“I’m not fooling around, and I want to work here. You have no right to tell me what to do.” Isabel finally found the courage to rebel.

Her reaction shocked him, and he couldn’t say anything for a while. After a long time, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. “Isabel, why do you have to compare yourself to her?”

“It’s because you like her and she’s the only one in your heart. I can never gain a place in your heart no matter what I do.”
“It’s because you like her and she’s the only one in your heart. I can never gain a place in your heart no matter what I do.” 

Isabel nearly sobbed when she made those statements, tears already streaming down her face.

She couldn’t figure out why Gilbert couldn’t let Elspeth go even though she was married and had a child.

Every time Elspeth’s name was brought up, she feared the arrogance and trust in her sister’s eyes.

Elspeth was too outstanding. No matter what she did, Isabel just couldn’t catch up with her.

Moreover, Gilbert never seemed to have noticed her, which made her feel distressed and helpless.

“Men are everywhere out there in the world. We’re not fit for each other, and you have better choices.”

“To me, you’re the best choice I can make.” Isabel looked into his eyes with a burning gaze as if anticipating his answer.

“Stop making a fuss, Isabel. Change your clothes and come home with me. Elsie is still waiting for you.”

Gilbert was also worried that he might hurt her with harsh words, so he softened his tone.

Isabel instantly turned cold upon hearing that. “If you’re not going to accept me, then leave me alone!”

Her words immediately attracted cheers from the men around them.

“Come on! Weren’t you going to dance? Why are you not dancing yet?”

“Who’s that man? Why is he in our way?”

“Go away! Stop causing trouble here.”

Isabel shot him a charming grin that was never before seen. Striding toward the stage, she nodded to the crowd bashfully and started dancing in front of them.

From her movements, one could tell she wasn’t a professional dancer but was self-taught the hard way.

Even though she appeared slightly stiff, her baby face and bashful grins successfully elicited cheers from the men under the stage.

“Great performance!”

Gilbert glanced at the men under the stage before turning his gaze back to Isabel. At that moment, the gloom in his eyes grew intense.

After the song ended, Isabel went down the stage and walked up to Gilbert as if waiting for a compliment.

“How did I do?”

“Sleazy,” Gilbert spat coldly.

The smile on her face froze before she pouted. “But Elsie used to dance in a bar…”

This time, he could no longer hold it in. With a long face, he grabbed Isabel’s wrist.

“Elsie here, Elsie there. Can you stop bringing her up? I can’t date you because I solely can’t. Besides, I don’t fancy you and it doesn’t have anything to do with her. Even if I didn’t know her, I wouldn’t fall for you.”

Isabel was dumbfounded by his statement. “That’s impossible! You’re lying. If it weren’t for her, you would have fallen for me,” she muttered.

“Nope.” Gilbert finally gained his rationality as he urged, “Don’t waste time on me anymore, Isabel. There is no possibility between us.”

Isabel eventually bawled as she never expected him to reject her outright like this.

Suddenly, she regretted her actions. If she hadn’t pestered him for an answer, could he have stayed by her side?

Unfortunately, nothing could be undone now. Their relationship ended in a bad way, and she was defeated eventually.

Crouching on the ground, she bawled until she lost her voice.

Slowly, she got up, but she had a blank expression plastered on her face.

“I won’t cause any more trouble. I’ll head back with you now.”

Gilbert finally sighed a breath of relief.

Even though he couldn’t tell her true emotions, he was glad that at least she could still be rational and go back with him.

He then nodded and was about to take off his coat to drape over her, but she stopped him.

“Stop treating me so kindly.” Isabel shut her eyes painfully. “If you really want me to give up on you, whether or not it is a conscious or subconscious act, stop all your actions.”

He understood her intentions, so he didn’t insist on giving her his jacket.

Once the two left the bar, Isabel took the initiative to sit in the backseat.

She remained silent during the ride and merely turned sideways to look out the window.

Hence, Gilbert tried to initiate a conversation. “When you reach Elsie’s house later, remember to be sensible—”

Before he could finish speaking, Isabel coldly interrupted him, “I’m not a child anymore. I don’t need you to lecture me.”

Failing to enlighten the mood, he felt embarrassed and immediately shut up.

Elspeth and Callum were already standing at the door by the time they arrived at Winthrop Residence. Gilbert opened the door for Isabel and informed her, “I’ll bring your things over later on.”


It was a cold yet polite answer.

When Gilbert and Elspeth chatted with each other, he realized that he didn’t really have the desire to talk to her this time. Instead, he paid more attention to Isabel, who was silent and seemingly lifeless at that moment.

Seeing that she didn’t even bother with him, he had no choice but to leave with a sigh.

Once he left, Elspeth approached Isabel as she knew what was going on between them. Patiently, she asked, “What’s wrong? Why did you decide to leave home all of a sudden?”

“That’s not my home,” Isabel answered stubbornly with tears filling her eyes.

Elspeth felt bad for her at the sight of her aggrieved appearance. “What’s so great about him? When you grow older, I’ll introduce you to someone better.”

“Don’t worry, Elsie. I don’t need them.”

Isabel was aware that Elspeth was doing it for her sake, and she also knew what Gilbert said to her was all for her own good.

She was neither ignorant nor losing her temper. She was just unable to accept the fact for now.

“It’s alright. Everyone has someone they can’t love. Most importantly, you must stay strong. You must still love yourself even though he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Only in that way can you get someone to love you. Okay?”

Imagining the man with a cigarette between his lips leaning against the wall, she shook her head. “I’m not going to fall for someone else.”

What a stubborn young lady. Elspeth smiled bitterly as she shook her head and exchanged glances with Callum.

Callum blurted, “You both are quite similar in terms of personalities.”

She had always been stubborn and persistent when it came to her feelings and relationship.

Taking a deep breath, Isabel tried to show a calm look. “Elsie, Callum, I’m totally fine. Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m gonna go home now.”

She clutched the keys that Gilbert stuffed into her hand earlier.

The warmth of his palm still lingered on the keys, making her feel a little dazed.

If only everything was a dream.

Sadly, he was the one who pushed her away with no room for redemption.

“That place is so empty. Stay at the Winthrop Residence for a few days first,” Elspeth suggested.
“That place is so empty. Stay at the Winthrop Residence for a few days first,” Elspeth suggested. 

“Very well. thank you so much, Miss Elspeth.”

Isabel’s maturity made Elspeth even more worried.

“It’s fine, Isabel. We’re family, after all.”

Elspeth had a hand on Isabel’s shoulder while staring down at Isabel’s red eyes. Her voice was gentle and patient as she reassured Isabel while they walked.

It took a long time before Isabel recovered from her previous emotional state.

Once Gilbert brought Isabel’s bags over, Isabel finally settled down in the Winthrop Residence.

Meanwhile, Elspeth hid Helia away in a nearby villa to prevent people from finding out about her.

Though moving her was done to stop others from realizing she was there, the other reason was that it was more convenient to take care of her.

One day after work, Elspeth headed over to that villa to bring Helia some gifts, but Helia was nowhere to be found.

She immediately assumed Helia had been kidnapped. She was about to call for someone to look for Helia when Helia happily walked into the villa with a bag of vegetables in her hand.

Walking beside her was Isabel who was dressed in casual clothes.

A look of astonishment flashed on Isabel’s face when she saw Elspeth, but she soon regained her calm.

“Why are you here, Miss Elspeth?”

Elspeth was startled as well to see Isabel together with Helia. “How did you two know each other?”

Before Isabel could answer, Helia replied, “Well, one day when I was out buying groceries, my back suddenly flared up in pain when I was near the street corner. By chance, I bumped into Isabel. She helped carry my bags back. It was only later that I found out she was a child you raised and that she was your sister. I thought it to be fate that we bumped into each other, so I began to hang out with her.”

The more Helia witnessed Isabel’s sweet and demure nature, the more she liked Isabel.

Elspeth was an adult now, and she was her own independent woman who did not need Helia to fret over. Thus, Helia never had the chance to be a mother.

Isabel’s appearance just so happened to be someone she could use to fulfill her maternal desires.

“It’s nice that you two are getting along.”

Elspeth was reassured by their friendship. Helia had been feeling rather lonely living alone, and Isabel just went through a difficult time; it was good that they could find comfort in each other.

“Yes. I really like Isabel.” Helia happily grabbed Isabel’s hand and gently patted it. “This girl has been by my side whenever you’re not around. She’s so considerate and caring.”

Seeing how close the two were, Elspeth pretended to be jealous and said, “You’re closer to her than you are to your own daughter.”

Isabel shyly ducked her head down as she objected with a hint of fear in her voice, “No, that’s not true. You’ll always be the most important person to Miss Joneson. You’re her actual daughter, after all.”

Her response made Elspeth stop joking around and walk over to stroke Isabel’s head.

“Don’t worry. I was only fooling around.”

Isabel nodded. “I know.”

Helia, who had been watching them interact with a smile on her face, suddenly grabbed her head and moaned about a migraine.

Elspeth swiftly hurried over to support Helia. “What happened? Why does your head hurt?”

“It’s nothing. I’ve always had this issue.”

However, Helia’s body started swaying as soon as she finished speaking.

It did not seem like an ordinary migraine.

“Why don’t you go to a hospital and get it checked out?” Elspeth was about to head outside to get the car ready, but as soon as she reached the door, she heard a loud crash behind her.

She turned around to find Helia unconscious and sprawled out on the floor.

Isabel was shocked. She quickly kneeled to check on Helia.

Elspeth dashed back as well to Helia’s side and held her fingers near Helia’s nose to check her breathing.

Helia’s breaths were faint and weak. As expected, this was no ordinary illness.

Elspeth did not dare dally any longer. She moved Helia on her back and carried her over to the car.

“Isabel, I’ll be bringing my mom to the hospital. Callum won’t be back tonight either. You can take care of your own meal, right?”

Isabel nervously took a few steps forward. “Why don’t I go with you? I have experience in taking care of sick people. I can help.”

“It’s fine,” Elspeth said reassuringly. Hearing that, Isabel stopped protesting and nodded, agreeing to stay at home.

Elspeth thereafter shot Isabel one last meaningful look before driving away.

However, before she drove off, she called the Winthrop Residence. She only stopped frowning after she heard Ms. Layme confirm her instructions.

She then called Callum after hanging up the call.

“Find an excuse to stay away from home later, Callum.”

He immediately knew what she meant by that. “I understand.”

Elspeth bumped into Arthur after dropping Helia off at the hospital.

It was such a small world. The moment she spotted him calmly staring at her, her entire body was filled with unease.

“What a coincidence for us to meet in the hospital again.”

She rolled her eyes. By now, she was unable to muster anything polite to say to him.

“I find myself rather cursed to bump into you.”

“Why are you here in the hospital again?” he asked in faux nonchalance, his gaze sweeping across every inch of her skin.

She took a few steps back and shoved her hands in her pockets. “Mind your own business,” she calmly stated.

“Why are you so cold all the time?” He clicked his tongue. “One day, you’ll know that I am the only one who will ever be good to you.”

His amorous appearance nearly made her vomit out last night’s dinner out of disgust. “Have your own words turned you delusional? Do you really think you’re being especially romantic?”

He had not expected her to mock him. As he heard her words, his face twisted into a look even uglier than if he had to eat something bad.


However, that was just how Elspeth was; she was always cold and callous to those she did not like.

That was also one of the reasons he liked her.

The more stubborn she was, the greater his desire to conquer her.

Thus, she was exactly what he wanted.

In the end, he suppressed his rage and forced out a smile.

“While I love you and will never hurt you, that does not mean I will not hurt those around you, Elspeth.”

The obvious threat in his voice made her go stiff.


She recalled how Helia suddenly fainted. Combined with his words, she was absolutely certain that he was connected to Helia’s fainting.

However, Elspeth did not have any proof just yet.

“Don’t look at me like that or you’ll make me want to bully you.”

Arthur continued to speak in his usual lackadaisical manner as though he did not know just how revolting his words were.

She felt her blood turn to ice. The disgust and hate she felt for him reached a boiling point.

Glaring at him and his grin, she slowly spat out, “I’m warning you; I will never forgive you if you do anything to my family.”

Arthur did not bother Elspeth any longer. He merely stared at her belly with an eerie smirk.
Arthur did not bother Elspeth any longer. He merely stared at her belly with an eerie smirk. 

“Good. The child has been aborted.”

Elspeth nearly forgot that he was absolutely insane.

“I’ll repeat it one more time—if you continue to use your underhanded ways to target those around me, I will ensure you will be met with a bad end.”

As she still had other things to attend to, she stopped wasting her time with him. She shot him a glare and walked into the hospital ward.

Inside the room, Helia had been diagnosed to have suddenly fainted due to inhaling some unknown gas.

Thankfully, she was fine since she did not breathe in too much of the gas.

Helia was still unconscious when Callum rushed into the room, having been told of Helia’s fainting spell.

“What’s going on? Why would she suddenly faint?”

Elspeth paused as a conflicted look flashed across her face.

“The doctor says it’s because she breathed in some unknown gas. On the way here, I bumped into Arthur. From what he said, I feel like this might be his doing.”

Callum’s eyes darkened. “He was in the meeting I attended just now, though. At the very least, he did not personally do this.”

Who could have done it then?

A name flashed in her mind, but she soon waved it away.

It was not very likely for it to be her.

Sensing a shift in her attitude, he asked, “Do you have a suspect in mind?”

“Yes,” she said.



They had spoken the same name in unison.

“Why would she do this though? How is she involved with Arthur?”

Frustration rose in her. First, it was Jethro. Now, it was Isabel. Arthur seemed to love to turn the people around her into traitors.

“I think I have an answer to that question.”

His words confirmed the hypothesis floating in her mind, and she bluntly asked, “Are you referring to Gilbert?”

“Arthur is a very good manipulator,” he said. “He was able to get Jethro on his side because he made use of Jethro’s love for you. Jethro is always irrational when it comes to you.”

There was nothing wrong with that statement.

“This time,” he continued, “Arthur might have used Isabel’s love for Gilbert to spark the hatred deep within her.”

She hesitated. “Should I tell Isabel that it is not too late to turn back?”

Isabel was rather important to her.

Isabel was not like Jethro. Even if Jethro was evil and ruined, he still had the Wilstones backing him up. On the other hand, Isabel was Elspeth’s relative.

“Let’s not tip her off just yet.”

After a few moments of contemplation, he calmly said, “Perhaps we can use this chance to get rid of Arthur as well.”

As Helia was not severely ill, she was able to return home after two days of resting in the hospital.

When they arrived home, Isabel was cooking in the kitchen. She excitedly walked out when she heard them walk through the door. “Miss Joneson, Miss Elspeth, Mr. Winthrop, welcome back.”

She then walked over to stand beside Helia and anxiously asked, “Are you okay, Miss Joneson? I was so very worried when you fainted that day. I am so happy to see you all right now.”

“Yes. I’m fine now.”

Helia was brightly smiling at Isabel.

Elspeth silently and subtly forced them apart before leading Helia back upstairs to her room. “You recovered not long ago. You still need to rest,” she said to Helia. “Wait in your room. I’ll come to get you when our meal is ready.”

Panic flashed across Isabel’s face as though she realized Elspeth was trying to keep Isabel at a distance.

Even though Elspeth noticed the flash of panic, she still shot Isabel an innocent smile. “You look upset, Isabel.”

“Oh, no. I was so worried about Miss Joneson that I… Alright. It’s good that you’re back. Food is ready. Let’s eat.”

Isabel grinned and pulled Elspeth and Callum over to the dining table before going to the kitchen to bring out plates of food. “I’ll personally bring Miss Joneson’s food up to her later.”

As Elspeth calmly speared a piece of potato with her fork, she calmly said, “It’s fine. I’ll bring her food up later myself.”

“Miss Elspeth, why are you suddenly so cold today?”

Isabel hung her head in apparent sorrow.

Elspeth’s heart only grew colder when she saw Isabel’s response.

“I’m not. You’re overthinking it.”

Startled, Isabel stopped talking.

Three days later, a news headline made waves online.

There was a leak that the long-dead second daughter of the Jonesons suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Not only that, but Helia, the long-lost daughter, was still alive and well. In addition to that, she was the mother of Elspeth, the wife of Callum Winthrop.

When the news broke, someone dug up Helia’s old scandal. Everyone online was agitated by what they found out.

Elspeth was born due to Callum’s uncle raping Helia. Did that mean Callum and Elspeth were cousins?

Was this inbreeding?

There was a huge crowd outside the Winthrop Residence, and it consisted of both reporters and people who were only there to watch the humiliation of the Winthrops.

Isabel stared out at the loud group of people from a window in the living room, her face was stark white. “Miss Elspeth, they know all about it now. What do we do? Your and Miss Joneson’s reputation will be ruined!”

On the contrary, Elspeth was calmly watching the television from her spot on the couch. She glanced at the crowd outside and smiled. “Isabel, what would you do if it were you?”

“I-I don’t know.”

Isabel lowered her head and mumbled to herself before softly stating, “I might want a divorce…”

Elspeth smirked. “Okay. Then I’ll get a divorce.”

“Huh? I was only throwing the idea out. Please do not divorce just because of something I said,” Isabel fervently said. Her face twisted in panic, terrified that Elspeth would actually do what she said. She tried as hard as she could to explain that she did not actually mean what she said.

Elspeth shook her head. “No. I’ll get a divorce now.”

Isabel was shocked. “Are the two of you really cousins?”

Elspeth shot her a dark look. “Everyone’s saying that. What do you think?”

Sensing that Elspeth was calling her out, Isabel subconsciously clenched her fingers around the edges of her shirt.

Elspeth stood up and massaged her shoulders which were feeling rather sore from being curled up on the couch for too long. Subsequently, she walked over to the front door and flung it open.

The crowd outside instantly went silent and stared at her.

“Do you need something?” she calmly asked with her arms crossed in front of her.

Someone in the crowd shot her a scornful look when they heard that. “How can you act so self-righteous when you’re some shameless hussy?”

“Outrageous? What do you mean by outrageous?” 

Elspeth looked at her with a small smile, but that woman felt a chill go down her spine.

Then, she straightened her back and continued imperiously, “You know you are cousins with Callum but still choose to marry him. Don’t you think that’s outrageous?”

As expected, a news article from the Sun Gazette took the internet by storm at 5.00AM the next day. 

However, was it true that the Winthrop Group was going down? 


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