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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 17

Xavier's POV

"The witches has Amelia."

My entire body froze hearing this. This can't be happening. "What do you mean!" I yelled in anger. The witches were dead. I know that.

"Amelia mind linked saying witches. When I tried to mind link her back, I couldn't get to her. Worried, I followed her scent. It led to the woods. After some time it ended at one spot."

"There I smelled the witches scent. The trail ended there." he said frustratingly pulling his hair. My eyes widened at this. This all my fault.

She was kidnapped because of me. "Call the trackers. Ask them to trace her. Now!" I ordered as Nathan nodded his head and ran off.

I went to my office and calling the patrollers to look for her. I called the neighbouring packs to have a lookout on her. It maybe late at night, but I am their king.

And their Queen is missing. My Queen is missing. I will not let the world rest till I find her. I will go on a rampage on the world looking for her.

My wolf was on rage and had to be let out or else no one is going to be alive in the palace. I ran out into the open and let my wolf out.

We went to where her scent trail ended. And indeed there was mixture of witches scent. Several witches in fact. It can't be.

I killed all of them. I made sure of it. How can this be happening? I let out a threatening roar making the entire woods wake up. I am coming for the witches.

And I am gonna kill them for taking what's mine. I went back to the palace, to see if anyone had found her. When I head back, I saw Nathan ordering people.

Everyone nodded their head and scurried off. "What is the status?" I asked him hurriedly. He took in deep breathe and spoke.

"Nothing. The witches have covered their scent. There is absolutely no way to find her." he said frustrated. I got irritated.

"We have to do something!" I yelled. "You think I don't know that! She is my baby sister, dammit!" he yelled. Normally I would have the person's head in a platter for using that tone at me.

But now, I understood what he is going through course that's exactly what I am feeling. Vulnerable. And I didn't like that at all.

"What's going on?" I heard my mum's voice. I turned to her. She looked worried. She knows something is wrong and she is not going to like it.

I told what happen and her eyes wide. "We have to find her." she said getting worried. I nodded my head. I turn back Nathan.

"Get groups of the warrior as much as you can ASAP. We are going to every nearby lands to search for her." I ordered. Nathan nodded his head and left.

We left to search for my mate. For Our Queen.

It has been one whole day, when we return after searching. We weren't able to find her. When I came back, My mum, Angela, her friends and her parents were there.

When I informed them we couldn't find her, they broke. Nathan looked devastated. We all went back to my office to come up with a strategy to locate her.

It was late at night, but we didn't care. We had to find her. The witches were heartless, They had hurt children. Which means they won't hesitate to hurt her.

Which made my blood boil. I had to calm my wolf down, if we wanted to find our mate. We were discussing with the Elders who came to help us.

My phone suddenly pinged. I open to see two messages. I clicked them open. The first message said,

If you want to see your mate open this link.

With wide eyes, I connect my phone to my laptop and opened the link.

My eyes widen at what I saw. She was tied to the chair, passed out. She was bloodied and was bruised up. Her face was barely recognisable. My heart shattered looking at her.


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