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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 29

Xavier's POV

I was walking back and forth pulling on my hair as I got nervous by the second. I really wish everything goes as planned. I don't want to end up screwing anything.

I have decided to ask Amelia out on a date. I was debating over whether it was a good idea or not, when I finally decided that it is in fact a good idea.

Now I was just wondering how am I to ask her. I try to gather up all my guts and walked out of my office room. I spot my mum just then.

"Hi mum. Did you happened to see Amelia?" I asked her nervously. She eyed me suspiciously. But still answered. "She is in her room."

I nodded my head and left. I walked back up the stairs to her room. I knocked the door, but no one answered. I open the door and went inside.

As I stepped inside, her scent hit me, calming me down. I looked for her in the room. But she wasn't there. That's when I heard the bathroom door open.

I looked towards her and what I saw made my eyes pop out. She had her towel wrapped around her. She has yet to notice me. When she finally did, she let out a squeal.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked. I barely heard her. My eyes were busy roaming at her. She cleared her throat gaining my attention.

"Yeah, sorry. I wanted to ask you something. But I'll come back later." I said about to go. As I walk past her, my heart beat increased.

I could smell her. She smelt absolutely sweet. Both my wolf and I couldn't control anymore. I ran to her and hugged her. I hugged her until she could barely breathe.

I placed my face in her neck, inhaling her scent as much as I can to calm down. But it just did the opposite. I am barely able to calm myself down.

I felt her squirming trying to get away, but it just made my wolf want her more. He was in more control than me. I gave one kiss in her neck before pulling away.

"I am sorry. I couldn't control." I said scratching my neck. She stood there shocked. I took that as my cue to leave. l left, closing the door after me.

After few seconds, I heard her locking the door. I waited for a few minutes, before she opened the door. Her cheeks were still flustered from just now.

I seriously need to get better control over my wolf. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" she asked me hesitantly as she let me in.

I turn to face her. I don't know how to ask her. What if she says no? What if she don't want anything to do with me?

I got rid of all those thought and took in a deep breathe. Here goes nothing. "W-Will you go on a d-date with me?" I asked her, rubbing the back of my neck.

She looked taken back when I asked her. She stood there still. "Give me one chance, little one." I asked her pleading. She thought about it for awhile.

"A-Alright." she said in a soft voice. I grinned as I embraced her into a soft hug. I let her go to look at her. "Get ready by 7pm. Wear something casual and comfortable."

She nodded her head with a blush still covering her cheeks. I let her go for her to get ready. It was already 6pm. "I'll meet you downstairs?"

She nodded her head. I retreated back to my room with a smile on my face. I was really scared she would say no, but she said yes. I am gonna make her happy. I'm gonna win her back.


Amelia's POV

I stood there still even after he left. I can't believe that actually happened. He asked me on a date. I was literally squealing inside.

Chapter 29 1

Chapter 29 2

Chapter 29 3


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