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His Human Mate novel (Amelia and Xavier) novel Chapter 31

Amelia's POV

After our breakfast, Xavier suggested that we start with the pack paperwork and I agreed. Surprisingly we didn't have much paperwork, which I was glad.

"Stop staring at me." I said for the 51th time. "You can't blame me. Its your fault for being so beautiful" he said with a grin.

I blushed and shook my head. I continued the work, ignoring his stares, which was very difficult. He wouldn't stop staring no matter how many times I tell him.

Finally we were done with our job. I sighed putting the pen down. Xavier laughed. He came and stood behind me and start massaging my shoulders.

I blushed. "You don't have to." I said pushing his hands away. But he insisted and kept on massaging my shoulders. "I want to."

"Come on. I have a surprise for you." Xavier whispered in my ear. I turn around excited. "What is it?" I asked excited. He just chuckled.

He grabbed my hand and started leading me outside. I followed him like a lost puppy. He brought us out of the palace and went inside the car.

I looked at him confused. He started the car and we left. "Xavier, where are we going?" I asked confused. I looked between him and the road.

"Its a surprise, little one." he said chuckling. I gave him my best puppy face. "No. No. You are not giving me that face. Please, don't do that."

I huffed and turn around crossing my leg and pouting. He quickly leaned in a gave me a peck in my lips as I looked at him surprised.

"Pout one more time and I am pulling over the car." he said huskily. I quickly pulled my lips into a thin line and kept quiet.

We rode for a few more hours before reaching a cabin. I looked at him surprised. "Surprise!" he said chuckling. "What is this?"

"We are going to be staying the weekend here." he said casually getting out of the car. "But I don't have any clothes." I said exclaiming with wide eyes.

He went to the back of the car, opening the trunk and he took out 2 duffle bags. I looked at them shocked. "What? When?" I asked shocked.

"I had Angela pack them. Now, stop asking questions and lets enjoy our weekend." he said grabbing my hands. We walked into the cabin.

As I entered, I looked at it with wow. It was small yet so cozy. It was entirely made of wood. "Xavier, this place looks amazing. Whose is this?"

I didn't get any reply, hence I turn around to see him looking at me. More like staring at me. "Why are looking at me like that?"

He just started to walk towards me. I backed away from him. I gasped, hitting the wall. He locked me in between his arms, placing his hands at the side against the wall.

"Xavier, what are you doing?" I asked blushing profusely. "Let me appreciate the beauty of my mate for awhile." he whispered.

He continued staring at me. He started to brush his hands from my hands, to my shoulder, to my neck. Every where his skin touched, electricity just spiked.

His hands finally landed on my cheeks. His thumb tracing my bottom lip. He stared at my lips, gulping. "How is it possible for someone to be this beautiful?"

I smiled sheepishly shrugging shoulder. He placed his forehead against mine and breath hardly. "You are going to be the death of me, little one."

After few seconds, he pulled away. "Come on. Let me give you a tour around the cabin." he said pulling my hands.

"This is the living room." he said pointing to the living room. It was simple yet amazing. He showed the other places like kitchen, bathroom, entertainment room and the bedroom.

It was night and we were already exhausted. "I am hungry." Xavier whined. I chuckled. "Why don't you freshen up? I'll make something."

The moment he heard this, his eyes glinted like a small boy and made a beeline to the bathroom. I chuckled and went to kitchen and was looking around to see what to cook.

I saw there were ingredients to make pasta. I decided to do pasta and took the spaghetti noodles. I boiled them and went to make the sauce.


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