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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 61


I look at the eight men who now crowd my office at the pack house; I don’t know what to say. Five of them are meant to be some of our most trusted, for them to simply allow Annette in like that…

The door shuts after the last one and I place my chin on top of my clasped hands, my elbows resting on the desk. “I don’t know where I should start,” I say quietly.

I’m a little restless as I haven’t been able to contact Dad either. I hope he has been able to take a little time alone to clear his head, but I do need to speak to him. 2

I just hope he got my voicemail since he wasn’t opening any of his messages. “I do apologise, ma’am, for everything. I never should have let the Luna onto the property but…” one of the men trails off.

“But what?” I ask the guard, tilting my head. “I am truly disappointed in the lack of security. This woman was shouting at my mother, and you all stood by.”

“She said there would be consequences if we didn’t let her pass.” Another said, and I sigh in exasperation.

“Consequences? So, if someone is going to blackmail or threaten you, will you simply step aside and allow them to do whatever they wish?” I ask in disbelief. “This is absolutely ridiculous! Why apply to be a guard, then?”

I turn my attention to Annette’s three guards. “You may work for the Luna, but if there is ever an issue where your family is threatened you know you can come to me. Furthermore, please write up a report of Luna threatening your family. This is something that I can assure you my father will not tolerate. Please do so now, outside. Whilst I talk to my own security team.”

I motion with my head for them to leave the room, when the door shuts behind them, I stand up, looking at the five men before me as I begin to pace behind my desk slowly, the sound of my heels loud in the silent room.

“My father hand-selected all of you because he trusted you.” I begin.

Four of them were those replaced after the shooting, and I understand they may not be as seasoned. However, this is a dire situation.

“You are all aware of the threats that we face. No one is a friend, and the enemy can be anyone among us and the pack. No one is to be let onto the premises of that property without my or my father’s permission. That is an absolute rule!”

My anger is rising, but my children are there! Sia can’t handle stressful situations, she needs as much calm as possible. Anything could have gone wrong.

I know I need to tell my men about the Blood Born. We need to be ready for everything and if they aren’t alerted to the actual threats, then what?

“We are sorry Alpha, it will not happen again.”

“It better not. The thing is, if you aren’t willing to do the job properly regardless of the risks that you all knew came with it when you accepted the hefty payments, then tell me now. You can leave. I don’t need a spineless team.” I say, clenching my jaw.

The way they’re acting – aside from Gordon, who was one of the previous ones – are now shuttling or lowering their heads like children being scolded. I don’t trust them… I don’t even want them around us anymore!

Calm down, Zaia….

“I’m sorry, but she said she was only going to have a word,” Gaspard says as he steps forward. “I take full responsibility for this, and you are correct, it was a dangerous mistake, one that never should have been made. Whatever you decide, Alpha Zaia, we will accept it. However, I would like one more chance, if you will. We will work harder on this, Luna’s wording was… innocent, but we have learned that no matter if it is a woman pretending to come with good intent or someone asking for help, we must always follow the rules, Luna and his daughter are included in that. Forgive us.” 2

He places a hand on his chest, lowering his head to me, and I frown. I’m glad he understands… I sigh.

“There are to be no more mistakes. A single mistake can cost a life. From this day forth be alert… as for what the Luna said, I want written statements, rest assured you will be under mine and the Alphas’ protection. If the Luna is threatening her own pack members, that is cause for concern.” I say, running my fingers through my hair.

“Yes Alpha!” they say in unison. I hold out the files for them to write their reports before motioning to them to leave. “May I have an additional word?”

Gaspard asks, glancing at the other men. They look at him curiously, but I nod, dismissing them. Once the door shuts behind them, I look at him.

“What is it?” I ask.

He lowers his head in respect. “I just wanted to say, your display of power… is impressive. My mother’s family is from France, and we often were told the story of Alphas who can summon forth their wolf at any given time, without the need of the strength from the moon.” He takes a pause and looks at me with clear respect as he continues.

“I’ve never witnessed it and I actually came to believe that it was just that, a myth. Until I saw you today, my Alpha. You are a true Alpha…” He smiles and lowers his head. “And I will serve you with everything I have until the very end.”

His words fill me with warmth. In a world where there is no care for our wolves, there are those who genuinely want to cherish the blessing it is to have a wolf. I tilt my head, a thought coming to my head.

“Gaspard, we have issues with rogues…those who they say are men who have lost themselves to their wolves… has anyone ever tried to talk to rogues?” It’s an odd question… but I’m genuinely curious.

“Rogues are lost, Alpha. I’ve battled a few and they don’t seem to hold the ability to interact with people.”

“Perhaps because they go into survival mode, wasn’t there a report from several months back about rogues in a pack? That’s new, they don’t really reside in packs usually. Can you have some of their locations tracked? I want to see something.” a He looks surprised but nods. “Yes Alpha, of course.”


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