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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Five million dollars? Do you think I’m some kind of beggar?Bonnie looked at the check disdainfully. The country paid her way more than five million dollars as a monthly salary, and that was even before taking the dividends into account.

You’re asking for way too much! You’re just a nobody. The Shepards might have taken you back, but I hear that you aren’t exactly popular there. They don’t give you any pocket money.

Five million is nothing to sneeze at. The Shepards would fall on their knees and thank me if I gave them all this money!

Rowena crossed her arms on her chest, lifted her chin, and looked down at Bonnie.

Really? Five million dollars might seem like a huge amount of money to you. You’re from a middle- class family, after all. But it means nothing to someone like me. Take my outfit, for example. This alone is worth several million dollars.Bonnie pointed at the clothes she was wearing.

Hahaha! Did you just say your outfit is worth several million dollars? Are you sure you’re not talking about some thirdworld country currency?

You can’t even tell who made my outfit. You’re clueless.It was Bonnie’s turn to look down


Rowena frowned and started looking closely at Bonnie’s outfit. Her eyes widened when she saw the

logo. Then, her surprise turned to mockery.

You’ve done it now, Bonnie. You wanted to look good so badly that you slapped Hamish Evans’s unique logo on some random outfit.

I know you didn’t recognize it, but I didn’t know just how clueless you were. This is not a


Clueless? I think you’re the ignorant one. You flipped through some magazines and thought anyone could wear Hamish Evans’s clothes. He only makes three outfits a month. All kinds of famous and wealthy people fight over every piece he makes.

There’s no way a hillbilly managed to get one of his outfits. I’m a huge fan of his. I know about all his designs, and I can say for sure that he hasn’t made anything like what you’re wearing!

That’s because Hamish designed this outfit specifically for me. Of course you wouldn’t have seen it.

Rowena burst into laughter. Did you hear that, Halle? She said Hamish designed that outfit specifically for her. Why doesn’t she just go ahead and say that Hamish works for her and designs an outfit for her every day? How shameless!

Halle ignored her painful arm and joined the mocking. That’s why I said she doesn’t deserve cousin Ivor! She dragged his name through the mud when she was engaged to him. Get her out of here now, Rowena. She’s making me sick.

Chapter 32


Rowena pulled off a jade bracelet from her wrist and reached out to Bonnie, My grandmother spent a lot of money on this bracelet for my eighteenth birthday. Do you know how much it was? I’m sure you’ll be shocked.


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