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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Rowena instantly guessed why Halle was spinning the story that way. She put on a heartbroken face, Tysats streamed down her face as she said, Plat was my Jade bracelet. It’s the only thing I have to remember my grandmother by.

sho doted on me when she was still with us, I was so miserable when she passed away. The jade bracelet was the only thing I had left of her.

How could you do this, Bonnie? I just asked you to be nice to Ivor. You can hit me or argue with me, but you shouldn’t have smashed my bracelet

Halle made her way to Ivor, gritted her teeth, and started complaining. You need to stand up for Rowena, Ivor! Bonnie smashed her bracelet and broke my arm. Look at it. It hurts like hell!

Ivor looked at Bonnie. Did you break her arm?

I guess you could say that. I didn’t break it, though. I only dislocated it because I was thinking of Grandpa Sigmund. Otherwise, I would’ve broken it for sure.Bonnie spoke in a tone so light you would have thought she was talking about something mundane.

Halle was about to lose it. Look at her, Ivor. She hurt me and smashed Rowena’s bracelet, but she’s still acting so full of herself, I won’t stand for this! You need to teach her a lesson. Better yet, break her arms and legs before you kick her out of here!

I did hurt you, I admit. You deserved it, after all. But as for Rowena’s braceletBonnie cast a casual glance at Rowena, who was crying her eyes out, and said, You should have shown more respect for your grandmother.

I don’t know why you’d try to chase me away by offering me the bracelet your late grandmother gave you. You’re such an animal. Oh, wait. Animals do have some semblance of respect for their elders. It would be an insult to say you’re an animal. You’re worse than an animal!

Rowena was speechless at Bonnie’s blunt retort. In the end, Halle stepped forward and spoke for Rowena. What nonsense are you saying? When did Rowena say she would give you the bracelet? You’re the one who snatched it and smashed it in a fit of rage when she refused to let you take it.

Bonnie sneered and looked at Ivor. Do you believe me or them?

I believe you.Ivor said immediately. Bonnie was surprised to hear such a straightforward answer.

You can’t trust her, Ivor! She’s just a secondrate, miserable bitch who doesn’t deserve you at all!As she said that, Halle was met with Ivor’s terrible gaze. Just as she was wondering what she had said to deserve such a look, he slapped her right across her face.

Slap!The sound resounded clearly through the room. Everyone was shocked, even Bonnie. Halle covered her cheek and stared at him incredulously.

DDid you just slap me, Ivor? Why did you do that?


Why? the’s engaged to me Technically, she’s your cousin inlaw. You need to respect my fiancé How dare you swear at her and call her names. As her future husband, I have a duty to teach you a lesson on hy behalf!

It felt as if the temperature of the room had dropped. Halle couldn’t help but gawit. Rowena, on the other hand, was green with envy and staring daggers at Bonnie.


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