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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 785

Ivor snorted light in response.

“This is something I have to do as a man. You don’t get to turn it down.”

She rolled her eyes at him again. “There you go with your smart mouth again.”

“What are you talking about? Don’t you think it’s true?” His eyes were brimming with affection and humor. “I mean it. It doesn’t matter what happens. I’m going to keep you safe. There’s no need to be afraid.”

Noticing that he was inching closer to her, she used her elbow and pressed against his chest. “Alright. I got it. Stop trying to take advantage of me when you’re speaking.”

His lips curled into a smile. The humor in his eyes thickened.

“Did you see through me already? You’re just so smart, Bonnie.”

“Geez. Just cut it out.” She was beyond speechless now.

‘I can’t take it with him. Although he did deliver on everything he said, I have no idea how to form a comeback to his corny lines.’

“Get some rest. I’ll wake you up when we’re at the hotel.” He ran his fingers through her hair lovingly.

She was worn out after what happened today. So, she didn’t turn down his offer. She leaned on his chest, found a comfortable position, and closed her eyes slowly.

“Okay. Don’t move, then. I’m going to grab some shut-eye.”

He smiled and responded, “Alright. I’ll stay put.”

Before long, she fell asleep.

Listening to her even breathing, a sense of relief rose in his chest.

Several minutes later, he confirmed that she wasn’t about to wake up and talked to Floyd, who was driving the car. “Did you hear everything she said earlier?”


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