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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 786

“Why don’t you like anything I do, Bonnie?”

She ate some of her soup, and said, “Just rein it in and stop acting so recklessly. Then, I’ll start liking what you do.”

“What do you mean by reining it in? I don’t get it, Bonnie. Can you show me how it’s done?” Ivor said.

He seized the chance and sat next to her.

She noticed how opportunistic he was, and her lips twitched.

“Just stay away from me and stop saying those corny lines. That’s how you rein it in.”

“You say that, but I love you the most, Bonnie. How am I supposed to stay away from you? Moreover, those aren’t corny lines. Everything I said came directly from the bottom of my heart,” he said matter-of-factly.

What he said was downright cringy, but they sounded sincere and affectionate.

She fell silent immediately. Lowering her head, she tucked into her breakfast.

Noticing that she was quiet, he reached out and waved his hand in front of her.

“Why aren’t you saying anything, Bonnie? Don’t you agree with me? You have to see the point I’m making. Right?”

She couldn’t take it anymore. Raising her voice, she said, “Will you please shut up?”

He knew she might get mad for real if he kept fooling around. His lips curled into a grin in response. Then he made a gesture of zipping his mouth shut.

“Alright, Bonnie. I’ll stop speaking. Hurry up and eat the breakfast already.”

She rolled her eyes at him again. “I wonder who’s wasting our time around here.”

He smiled and remained quiet.

Once they were done with breakfast, his business partner arrived. All of them, including Floyd and Jim, hit the road and headed toward the quarry.


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