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Lie To Me Alpha novel Chapter 87

I woke up in alarm just in time the Pack emergency alarm went on and there is only one explanation and that the enemy has make another move to our borders.

Turning around to wake up Matteo in fact he wasn't beside me. I quickly got out of bed and fish around for a shirt and leggings.

Unfortunately this is Matteo's room so I make a run for my room disarraying my night gown at my closet door and put on a shirt that goes with my leggings.

I then run towards my dad's room and only to be met with one of the warrior halfway.

"Luna, your father has gone ahead to where the Alpha is outside the main border. All warriors and everything has been prepared" he said urgently .

"I'll be there in a minute, make sure everyone is safe" I told him and he replied with a yes.

Instead of heading to the border straight away I rush towards my brother first who is in my dad's room. I pick him up from the crib and went straight to the secret vault but I was careful enough not to wake him up.

When I arrived there all older people and young teens with their mother's and pups were all moving inside of it. One of the elderly woman held out her hands and I hand Wes over to her with careful.

I am grateful to my pack for being so kind to me even though I haven't been officially annointed as one. Yes I may have been introduced but I haven't taken my vow yet as a seal for my commitment to our pack.

"Please take care of him" my kiss lingers on his forehead "I promise I'll come back," I murmur to him one last time before I pull away and help the others inside.

I ran out of the safe house and move to help with our other warriors in checking every house in the pack to see if we have left out anyone out.

"Luna, everyone is safe and are in the safe house...You too should go in there" one of our warrior says with concern as he came out of the last house we searched.

"I'll be fi-" an explosion from our southern border interrupted us.

The warrior curse out and then the others who were scattering around came rushing back to where I stand.

"Matt" I mutter and without further delay I rushes to the border but before that I call back to a few warriors to stay behind and guard the house while the rest followed me.

We reach there in time to see Matteo whose knuckle are in blood with another one splayed downside his leg. I could scent that the blood wasn't his and only belong to the feral wolves.

He is explaining the next plan to our warriors with no sign of feral wolves beside them now.

A feeling of relief washes over me and I did not wait for another minute as I quicken my step towards him. At that same time he look up from his map, then slightly drops it down and rush in my way.

I crash myself into his arms, and held him tight before taking a step back and then pull him down for a kiss. After our little moment I take a deep breathe asking him breathlessly

"where's my dad?" I ask


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