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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

"They want to risk all. Let's make them lose!"

"Tiger, listen well. Summon the soldiers. Kill them all!"

"Yes, Master!"

Tiger left to send the order.

Chris's eyes turned cold.

He would clean this city this time The next day, many gangsters went to the Chester Group.

They all looked bloodthirsty, with blades, knives, and sticks in their hands.

There were thousands of gangsters.

All the shops on the street closed their doors.

Nobody dared to come out.

People all knew that the storm was coming.

Andrew asked Patrick, "Are you sure that Chris's wife and father-in-law are just here?"

Patrick held the walking stick and said respectfully, "Yes. I'm sure of it. Esther and John are both in the Chester Group. Let's catch them and threaten Chris to cancel the announcement. He won't dare to refuse!"

After the surgery, Patrick and Neel could walk with sticks.

They couldn't make trouble in Cloud Bay, because they got the news that there was a regiment guarding the villa.

They would be killed if they went there.

Therefore, Patrick suggested that they could attack the Chester Group.

Chris would be scared if they caught Esther and John.

Chris loved Esther very much.

He wouldn't let Esther die.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, "Good. You've done a good job. I will reward you after the war.’ Patrick was happy, "Thank you!"

Andrew then asked Neel, "How many men we have summoned in total?"

Neel answered excitedly, "We've summoned all our men in the underworld. We have more than one thousand men!"

One thousand? Andrew got excited, too, when he heard the number.

He now had one thousand followers.

He believed he could defeat any force.


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