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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

They were all criminals who had committed all kinds of crimes.

If they confessed their crimes, they would be executed.

Andrew tapped the table.

He was also worried.

He glanced over those people and asked, "Does anybody know why the Patrols House made such an announcement?"

The gang leaders all shook their heads, "Nobody knows!"

"We've got the news from our spies in Patrols House that the order was from the government.

Is it said to be from Lord Death's subordinate, Tiger."


Neel, in the wheelchair, suddenly shouted.

Andrew looked at him and asked, "Do you know him?"

Neel answered, "Chris Shelby is Lord Death's friend, and Tiger often helps him!"

Anyway, nobody knew the real relationship between Tiger and Chris.

"Chris Shelby? I've heard of this name. He should be the son-in-law of the Jefferson family."

"He spent fifty million dollars booking the whole Dream Night Restaurant. Many people know this"

"He wants to destroy us. We can't wait for death."

"Yes. We must act earlier than him!"

The leaders all agreed to act first.

The announcement forced them to do that.

Anyone who was forced too much would rebel.


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