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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Flustered, Howard asked, "Father, what should we do?"

Previously, Howard didn't take Chris seriously.

But after he read the information about Chris, he was completely shocked!

Chris was so horrible!

Wherever he went, all the forces in the underworld would be destroyed. He made trouble everywhere!

In particular, Chris used to be a homeless beggar and a son-in-law of the Jefferson family who nobody respected!

He was a loser who disappeared on the second day after his wedding!

But five years later, he came back with power!

Wade Will in Janesville, Derek Bing and the Boas in Shandale, HES in Chalford, the Bing family in Jorshton...

All of them were defeated by him!

Chris's rise was too sudden and too fast!

And his identity was so mysterious that no one could know!

Staring at Howard, Shane asked, "Howard, have you found out Chris's background? Especially what he has done after he disappeared five years ago?"

Howard shook his head helplessly and said, "No. I have used all the power of the Sample family to find out the truth. But I got nothing!"

"I even sent someone to log in to the government system, but I didn't find his information!"

"What's more, the system alarm was triggered!"

"It said that his information is an SSS secret!"

Speaking of this, Howard looked a little nervous.

It triggered the alarm of the government system!

And it was a top-secret file of SSS level!

Either of them was shocking enough.

In the entire Amerosia, there were probably no more than ten people's archives of SSS level.

Howard was so frightened that he stopped the investigation immediately!

Shane's face turned pale!

He was stunned!

This was the most shocking day of his life!


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