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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Only Shane was left in the living room.

There was an inexplicable expression on his face.

He slowly murmured to himself, "Chris, no matter who you are, the Gambling City is my territory. You have to obey the rules here. If you dare to break the rules, I will let you regret it!"

As soon as he finished his words, a terrifying murderous aura burst out from Shane's body!

At this time, a limo stopped at the door of the Okwu Hotel.

The waiter walked to the car as soon as he saw it.

In the Gambling City, this car was the symbol of the Sample family!

In the Gambling City, no one dared to disrespect the King of Gambling!

Howard got out of the car anxiously.

Then he went straight to the presidential suite of the hotel without saying anything.


At the door of the presidential suite, Tiger blocked Howard's way.

If it was someone else, Howard would have slapped the guard.

But he didn't dare to show any disrespect to Tiger.

The person behind Tiger was so horrible!

He said respectfully, "Sir, please tell Mr. Shelby that Howard Sample wants to see him!"

Tiger said coldly, "Wait here!"

Then he turned around and entered the room.

Howard didn't dare to show any impatience, because he knew that a horrible devil was staying in the room!

"Master, Howard Sample from the Sample family wants to see you!"

Tiger said respectfully.

Chris, who was making coffee, raised his head and smiled, "Oh? Let him in!"

"Sir, how is it going?"

Seeing Tiger come out, Howard asked nervously.


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