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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346

Chris burst into laughter and said, "Mom, I will give you one billion dollars if I have."


Susan was overjoyed to hear that.


Before Susan could finish her words, Chris continued, "But I don't have so much money."

Susan got angry and said, "Bullshit! You should have. You must be lying!"

Chris shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "I really don't have so much money. I'm just the son-in-law of the Jefferson family. I have to rely on Esther to support me. How can I have one billion dollars? If I have so much money, why should I live in the Jefferson family?"


Hearing this, Susan immediately realized that she had been tricked by Chris.


Esther couldn't help laughing.

She had thought that Chris would give Susan money, but she didn't expect that he would play tricks on Susan like this!

Chris really knew how to stop her foolish mother!

Somehow, Esther was happy to see Susan being tricked.

"Chris, you..."

When Susan was about to shout, she suddenly saw a red invitation card on the table.

She took it over and asked in confusion, "What's this?"

Chris answered, "This is the invitation from the Sample family in the Gambling City."

Susan asked curiously, "What is the Sample family?"

For an ignorant housewife like Susan, she had never heard of the Sample family. It was just like she didn't know how amazing for Chris to help Esther establish the Chester Group!

Esther was shocked. "What? The invitation from the Sample family!"

Looking at Esther, Susan asked curiously, "Esther, do you know the Sample family?"

Esther nodded and said excitedly, "The Sample family is the first family in Gambling City. Especially the head of the Sample family, Shane Sample, is also known as the King of Gambling!"


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