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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 345

Chapter 345

It seemed that Shane didn't gamble, but in fact, he was a real gambler, and he never lost!

Today, he sent an invitation to Chris. It seemed that he wanted to figure out Chris's intention.

An inexplicable smile appeared on Chris's face.

He murmured to himself, "Shane Sample, if you want to know my intention, I'll let you know it. I hope you won't be too surprised at that time!"

Chris wanted to clean the underworld of the Gambling City.

King of Gambling, Shane, was his first target!

Shane was cruel and merciless when he was young. His hands were covered with blood.

He was old now and no longer managed his business. He handed over most of the industries of the Sample family to his son.

But Chris couldn't be careless when he fought with such a cunning old fox. He had to defeat Shane as fast as he could, or there would be endless trouble in the future!

Chris made up his mind, and his aura spread over.


Just then, Susan rushed in angrily.

Pointing at Chris, she asked angrily, "When will you go back to East Coast?"

Tiger shrugged helplessly.

He had tried to stop her, but Susan ignored him and insisted on breaking in.

If it were someone else, Tiger would have killed her with a punch.

But after all, Susan was Chris's mother-in-law.

Definitely, Tiger didn't dare to hurt Chris's mother-in-law.

Chris waved his hand to ask Tiger to leave.

He looked at Susan and said with a smile, "Mom, you can go back at any time if you want. I didn't stop you!"


Susan was rendered speechless.

She just didn't want to go back alone.

Susan was penniless. How could she go back alone?

And even if she went back, how could she face Henry then?


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