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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375

"Hear that? That's why I must kill you."


Shane couldn't believe it.

He had thought that Chris killed him because he ran casinos and did a lot of crimes and hurt a lot of people.

But he didn't expect that Chris's reason was that he had too many women.

Damn it! It was so acceptable!

Shane did have a lot of women, but it was none of Chris's business.

He thought Chris should also have more women.

All the rich and capable men had a lot of women, not only Shane.

Chris was such a weird man.

He only loved his wife.

Damn it!

Shane had never seen such a stupid man.


Shane suddenly thought of the woman named Susan, Chris's weird mother-in-law!

That old woman even winked at Shane.

It was disgusting!

Thinking of this, especially when he thought of Susan, the disgusting old woman, Shane spat out blood because he was too angry.

He pointed at Chris and said with resentment, "Chris Shelby, you've gone too far!"

Shane was pissed off by Chris.

Chris smiled and said, "I'm sorry. I was just kidding."


Shane was so angry that he almost spat out blood again.

It was said that an eloquent person could kill people with his sharp tongue.

It seemed that Chris was just so eloquent.

Speaking of eloquence, Shane had never seen anyone more eloquent than Chris.

Shane took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He snorted coldly, "Young man, words can't change anything! Now you come to my place and you can never get out of here alive!"

"How will you do that? Use your useless thugs?" Chris sneered.


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