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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 376

Chapter 376

However, when Chris saw the proud look on Shane's face, he suddenly smiled.

"Ten grandmasters? So what?" Chris laughed. "Everything is like ants in front of my absolute power!"


He was too arrogant!

It seemed that the ten grandmasters were also ants in his eyes.

Grandmaster was a fighter who almost reached the peak of the path of martial arts.

But who was Chris?

He was the Primus of Amerosia, the man who had invincible power.

On the northern battlefield, the enemy had sent out ten strong generals to besiege Chris.

Each general was as strong as a great grandmaster.

They were much more powerful than grandmasters.

However, the ten generals were still skilled by Chris.

Three hundred thousand enemies were defeated without a fight!

The enemy country would never dare to invade Amerosia again!

Even the head of the enemy had to make an apology to Chris in person!

"What an arrogant fool!"

Chris's arrogance irritated Shane.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Idiot, you will pay for what you just said."

"Kill him!"

With his order, ten grandmasters rushed over and besieged Chris.

They moved as fast as the wind!

A shocking aura soared into the sky!

In an instant, ten grandmasters caused a violent tornado and rushed toward Chris!

In the blink of an eye, they had already got close to Chris!

Everyone had a ferocious expression on their faces.

They were like ferocious demons from the hell!

They had also been infuriated by Chris's arrogant attitude.

Who was this young man?

How dare he look down upon the grandmasters?

It was unforgivable!

They were going to tear Chris into pieces.

They must let Chris know what he would suffer after he offended the ten grandmasters.


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