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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 378

Chapter 378

He could break Shane's neck with only one blow!

Facing Chris's aggressive attack, Shane got nervous.

A fear of death spread in his heart.

He knew that if he couldn't stop Chris, Chris would definitely kill him with this blow!

"Chris Shelby! You deserve this!"

With a roar, Shane's aura soared.

A terrible aura burst out from his body.

Shane was no longer like an old man!

His gray hair turned black and glowed.

He looked ten years younger in an instant!

Seeing this, Chris squinted his eyes and said, "A great grandmaster!"

He didn't expect that Shane was actually a great grandmaster!

The great grandmaster was the next level of the grandmaster.

Every great grandmaster was a national weapon and a general guarding the frontier!

They were sent to the most needed place in the country.

It was the first time that Chris had seen a great grandmaster since he came back from the frontier!

Shane really had a secret, since he could dominate the Gambling City.

He wouldn't have exposed his power if Chris hadn't forced him over and over again.

"Chris, you must die!" Shane shouted as if he was cheering himself up.

Even though he was a great grandmaster, he still felt a little nervous in front of Chris!

Chris said indifferently, "Really? Old man, I didn't expect you to hide your power so well. It seems that this is your real trump card. I really underestimated you!"

Shane was really a cunning fox.

He showed ten grandmasters first.

Then he exposed his handgun.

Now, he suddenly became a great grandmaster!

Who knew if he had any other cards or not?


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