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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377

He spent billions of coins to cultivate the ten grandmasters, but they were all killed by Chris.

"No way!"

"That's impossible!"

Shane muttered to himself. His mind went empty.

He couldn't believe that his ten grandmasters died so fast.

They were killed by Chris with just one slash!

It was ten grandmasters, not ten dogs!

How could Chris be so terrifying?

Shane raised his head and stared at Chris in fear.

In his eyes, Chris was not a human, but a monster!

He was a devil from the deep abyss!

Suddenly, Chris stared at Shane coldly and said word by word, "Now it's your turn!"

Facing Chris's emotionless and murderous eyes, Shane trembled all over.

He gritted his teeth and said, "You may win the fight, but you can't kill me!"

After saying that, Shane took out a handgun from his pocket.


With a sinister smile on his face, Shane said, "Chris Shelby, you are quite powerful, but can you be faster than a bullet?"

Guns were forbidden in Amerosia!

Shane bought this gun broad and brought it back with great efforts several years ago.

After he brought it back, he regarded it as a treasure and had never used it.

Now, it was just time to use it!

Seeing the gun in Shane's hand, Chris just snorted with disdain.

For ordinary fighters, the gun was almost invincible.

But for Chris, the gun was just like a toy!

Chris sneered, "Is this your last trump card?"

To be honest, Chris was a little disappointed.

He had thought that Shane had hidden something powerful.

It turned out to be just a child's toy!

In the face of Chris's disdain, Shane got angry!

With a livid face, he said, "How naive you are! Die, bastard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.



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