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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

A dozen bodyguards rushed over, grabbed Susan Jefferson and John Jefferson, and dragged them outside.

"Help! Help!"

Susan struggled and screamed.

Laurence Collins and Loretta Harker both had smug expressions on their faces.

It was all because Susan lied to them just now.

She deserved all this!



As Susan and John were getting kicked out from the Collins family, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Then, the door of the Collins residence was kicked open.

"Esther, Chris, you are finally here!"

When she saw Chris and Esther, Susan broke free, ran over and shouted.

"Mom, what's going on here?"

Esther walked over and asked with concern.


John shook his head and sighed softly.

Susan immediately cried, "Esther, you have got to help us out here! Your grandfather and your uncle were going to kick us out, but we refused. Now they are calling in bodyguards to blast us out..."

Esther's face turned ashen at Susan's words.

These were her own parents.

Besides, how could her grandfather treat his own daughter and son-in-law this way?

"You guys are getting way out of line. Have you forgotten what happened at the banquet?"


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