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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Chris Shelby pulled over at the entrance to Cloud Bay.

Susan Jefferson and others got out of the car and were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Hundreds of security guards in the villa area stood respectfully in two rows.

There was also a banner hanging at the entrance.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, welcome home!"

Susan was shocked when she saw this scene!

Could it be that Chris Shelby was really the owner of Cloud Bay?

"Mr. Shelby!"

At this time, James Mester walked over with a respectful face.

Chris frowned and asked, "James, didn't I tell you to keep a low profile?"

James immediately panicked, "Mr. Shelby, we felt honored that you have chosen Cloud Bay, one of all our properties of Cloud Mountains. Since I am in charge of the property department, surely I should come and greet you in person."

Chris nodded, but said nothing.

No matter how low-key Chris was trying to be, his identity could be discovered by others easily.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, and Mrs. Shelby, welcome to Cloud Mountains."

James spoke respectfully to Esther and the others.

However, Esther and the others were overwhelmed by James's friendliness.

The dignified richest man, Mr. Mester, actually greeted them?

It was a brand-new experience for Esther and everyone else.

"Mr. Mester, thank you so much!"

Susan immediately smiled.

"So, Susan, do you still think I am lying to you now?"

Chris turned his head and asked Susan and the others.

They were instantly speechless.

The wealthiest man personally greeted Chris, hundreds of security guards cleared the way, and there was the banner. How could this be fake?

Chris smiled and said to James, "You lead the way, please!"

"No problem!"


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