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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46

James Mester pointed to the back of the villa and said, "Look over there - it is the most famous peach blossom forest in Cloud Bay. Due to the high altitude here, the peach blossoms bloom all year round. It's beautiful!"

Chris and the others looked over at the gorgeous sea of peach blossoms.

Esther could not help but say, "It's so beautiful!"

James looked at Chris and asked, "Mr. Shelby, is there anything you would like us to improve? We will get to work right away."

Chris nodded and said, "Don't worry about it. Even though it is not as good as my residence, it still looks acceptable."

Hearing Chris's words, Esther and others were shocked.

In front of them, it was the most premium mansion on the East Coast - Cloud Bay!

But in Chris's eyes, after the renovations, the villa only looked acceptable.

That was unbelievable!

The people present, except Chris, had never seen such a beautiful villa in their entire life.

Besides, what was the "residence" Chris mentioned?

Hearing Chris's comments, James was relieved.

In the past few days, he had worried that Chris might not be satisfied with the villa.

"Thank you, Mr. Shelby. I have instructed the property management team to strengthen the security and patrols in Cloud Bay to ensure that your family lives here without any worries. And I have also arranged some servants to take care of your daily life!"

Living in a large villa but with no helpers, house cleaning alone would be a big problem for Chris and his family.

However, these trivial things, James had already got them dealt with in advance.

Chris looked at James, smiled, and said, "Thank you for everything. You can take your leave now."

James nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Shelby. If you need anything, feel free to contact me." After speaking, he left.

Chris said to Esther and others with a smile. "Come on - let's take a tour around our new home."

After Chris finished, everyone walked towards the villa.

"Welcome home, Mr. and Mr. Jefferson!"


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