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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Esther Jefferson said with a stern face. "Mom, if you continue to slander Chris like this and provoke our relationship, then you should leave here immediately and stop living here."

When she heard what Esther said, Susan shut up.

Susan finally moved into the mansion, so how could she be willing to leave?

Susan snorted coldly and said to herself. "Don't cry in front of me if you ever get hurt in the future!"


At night.

It was the first night Chris and Esther had spent together in their new home.

The two were lying in bed, unable to sleep.

Esther turned her head and asked, "Baby, are you asleep?"

Chris shook his head. "No, why are you still awake, babe?"

"I can't fall asleep!"

"Is there anything on your mind?" Chris sat up and asked with concern.

Esther shook her head and said, "No, I just feel like everything is a dream."

Chris smiled and said, "Silly, how can this be a dream? It's all real!"

There was a moment of silence.

Esther asked, "Hubby, how much money do you have?"

Chris pondered for a moment, took out a calculator, and did the math for an hour. "About one trillion!" Esther's legs suddenly went weak…


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