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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Susan was going to lose her temper. Esther hurriedly calmed her down.


Susan snorted and glanced at Chris coldly.

Chris started the engine. He drove the car out of Cloud Bay.


At the gate of Jefferson Group, Oscar Thomas and thousands of employees were waiting anxiously.

After the downfall of the Jefferson family, Oscar, the general manager of the Jefferson Group, had been very nervous.

Yesterday, Oscar received a phone call from James's secretary.

He was told that the new chairman would come to take over the group today.

Perhaps the new chairman would choose a new general manager.

To keep his position, Oscar came to the company early in the morning and led all the employees to wait for the new chairman at the gate.

"Mr. Thomas, do you know who the new chairman is?"

"We've been waiting here for one hour, but the new chairman still hasn't come."

"I have a bad feeling. Will he be harsh with us?"

The employees chatted at the gate.

Oscar glared at them and scolded, "Shut up. Don't let the new chairman see your lazy looks. Do you want to be fired?"

His words made all the employees scared.

"When will he come?"

Oscar looked forward and was very nervous.

Suddenly, they heard the rumble of the car engine.

A black limo drove over.

"Attention! The new chairman is coming!"

Oscar hurriedly reminded the employees.

They all stood straight and didn't dare to slack off.

The door opened up. Chris and his family got out of the car.


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