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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chris shook his head and said, "Mom, I didn't!"


Susan snorted, "She is so angry. You must have irritated her."

"Well, don't blame Chris. Maybe Esther is just in a bad mood. She will be fine in a few days."

John stood up and was about to go to work.

Susan said angrily, "Chris, if you dare to make Esther sad, I will punish you."

After saying that, Susan stood up and was going to visit her friends.

Now Susan was living a carefree life.

She would play cards with her friends or go shopping every day.

Anyway, the servants would do the housework.

After Susan had left, Chris looked at Hope and asked, "Hope, are you finished?"

Hope nodded and said, "Yes, Dad. I'm finished."

"Good. I will take you to the kindergarten, OK?" Chris asked with a smile.

Hope said excitedly, "Okay! Great!"

Chris carried Hope in his arms and walked out.

In the courtyard of the villa, Tiger had already been waiting in the car.

Chris got into the car and soon the car sped away.

Little Sun Kindergarten was the best noble kindergarten on East Coast.

The boss of the kindergarten was just James.

After James received the phone call from Chris, he immediately contacted the kindergarten.

Last night, the headmaster received a call from James. James said that the daughter of a big shot would come to his kindergarten.

The headmaster, Mr. Paul, didn't dare to slack off. In the early morning, he summoned all the teachers to the gate to welcome the new student.

"Mr. Paul, who is coming? Why do we have to wait here?"


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