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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Dream Night was the most high-end restaurant on East Coast.

Every week, Dream Night only accepted one reservation.

A meal here would cost at least one million dollars!

But even so, it was still hard to make a reservation here.

The customers who wanted to make a reservation in Dream Night would generally have to wait for a month.

At this time, a luxurious limo stopped at the gate of Dream Night.

Tiger got off the car and opened the door for Chris.

"Good morning, Mister, what can I do for you?"

A waitress came over and asked with a smile.

Chris said to her, "I want to have a reservation for next Friday!"

The waitress said apologetically, "I'm sorry. There is already a reservation for next week. Please come back next month."

"Call your manager here and tell him that James invited me here."

Chris said directly.


The waitress was stunned.

Of course, she knew James.

That was the richest man on East Coast!

The waitress didn't dare to keep the guest for too long. She went to report this to the manager.

The manager of the restaurant came out.

"Hello, sir."

Chris said, "I want a reservation for next Friday."

"I'm sorry. Someone has made a reservation..."

Before the manager could finish his words, Chris interrupted him, "Ten million dollars!"

The manager was stunned. "I'm sorry, Sir. What did you say?"

Chris repeated, "Ten million dollars. I want the reservation."

"Sorry, I..."

"Twenty million dollars!"


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