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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 11

Chapter 011 Five Brothers

Hailey leaned back in her seat with a cold expression.

“The truth will be exposed one day. Who is she, and who am I? Why should I lower myself to expose her ugly face? It filths my hands.” “But you have loved Owen for so long, and in the end, he married a piece of

trash. Can you endure that?” “He is willing to be a garbage recycling station, what can I do?” “I’m tired,” Hailey said as if she didn’t care at all. She turned off her computer, got up, and walked to the window. As night fell, Poya’s nightlife was awakened. The lights of millions of houses were lit, and it was very lively. However, in North City, she had been alone for three years.

In her days in North City, she was not alone, but she was lonely. The person she loved was close to her but refused to get close to her. That was the true definition of sorrow.

The screen was dark, but the vicissitudes on Hailey’s face inflicted a strong negative feeling in Brook.

He turned off the computer, opened his Whatsapp, and sent a message to the

group ‘The Brothers Alliance To Protect the Little Sister’: [Hailey is being bullied. Are we just gonna stand and watch?] Brandon: (Who is that bastard? I will kill him!] Cayden: (Aren’t they divorced? Aside from Owen, who else in the world can bully

that little wild cat? Or did the little wild cat turn into a little kitten after pretending to be one for three years?] Arthur: (Careful not to let her hear that. She’ll leave a scar on you with her

scratch.) Cayden: (Hahaha.] David: (Name?)

The corners of Brook’s mouth turned into a smirk. Now that the big brother had spoken, things were quite certain.

He briefly explained the situation and sent a detailed battle plan to the group.

The brothers were in a heated discussion. In the end, the big brother made the final decision “Phew, done.” Brook snapped his fingers and quickly changed the group name to ‘The Alliance of Slut Slayer’.

The other group with Hailey in it was quiet and peaceful.

After a busy day, Hailey felt both physically and mentally exhausted and almost feli asleep in the car. When she got home, the living room was bright. Lily led the maids to clean up the entire the Garden of Rose. Finally, it was returned to its original state. Seeing that, Hailey was very satisfied. “Everyone has worked hard. You’ll all get a bonus this month!” “Thank you, Miss Hailey.” Lily was in her forties, and she was meticulous and smart. Wearing a

professional suit, she came forward to report, “Miss Hailey, Miss Eve is still locked in her room.” “Okay.” Hailey was not surprised. “Bring me two buns. I’ll go up and see her.” She had to go home to discipline a child after a day of work. Hailey felt that her life was difficult as an elder sister. The door of the guest room was locked from the outside, so Lily went forward and opened the door with a key. The tray in her hand was filled with two large buns. After the door was unlocked, Hailey took the tray. “You can leave now.” “Miss Hailey…” Lily was a little worried. “It’s fine. She can’t hurt me.” Hailey pushed the door open and went in, to see Eve lying her body on the bed


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