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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 12

Chapter 012 Everyone Praised Owen’s Ex-wife

Eve was really mad at Hailey. She raised her hand high, and this bottle would definitely hit Hailey’s head.

But at that moment, when the vase was about to touch the back of Hailey’s head, Hailey seemed to have eyes on her back. She tilted her head to the side and raised her hand to accurately grab the bottle that Eve had raised. Then, the bottle was in Hailey’s hand in an instance like magic. A fierce wind came quickly, and Eve did not even have time to dodge. She was heavily knocked to the ground by Hailey’s backhand, and she cried out in pain, “Ah!” Eve saw stars, and half of her face was burning. In pain, she could not get up

from the ground for a long time. “You’re not that capable, but you’re quite bold.” Hailey’s expression was cold, and the vase in her hand fell to the ground. With a loud “pa” sound, the porcelain pieces splashed. Eve was so scared that she covered her ears, screamed, and curled up her body to hide. Hailey walked toward her step by step. Every step she took, Eve would take a

step back until she retreated to a corner. She looked at Hailey with a frightened face. “Don’t you come over…”

“Didn’t you want to sneak attack me just now? Why are you scared now?”

Hailey reached out her hand. Eve thought that she was going to hit her face

again, so she was so scared that she closed her eyes tightly. However, Hailey only reached out and tidy her messy hair.

“I loved you dearly as a sister. Although you are my cousin, I have never mistreated you, so why do you hate me so much that you want to kill me with Luca?”

Only then did Eve open her eyes and look up at Hailey. When she met Hailey’s

questioning eyes, she sneered, “Don’t you know?” Hailey looked at Eve quietly. She knew that every hatred had a reason behind it,

so she came to ask for an explanation. Eve raised her head and looked at Hailey’s face, which was still beautiful even in the dim light. The flames of jealousy almost swallowed her, and the bitterness that had been buried in her heart for many years could finally be spat out.

“You, me, and Ava are cousins, but the environment we grew up in since

childhood is worlds apart. Your dad is the CEO of Crystaldale Company, and you are the only daughter. Since you were a child, you were the apple of their eyes. You’ll get everything you wanted. They even hired a home tutor for you and gave you the best education just because you didn’t want to go to school. They even bought the Garden of Rose just for you. Everyone in Poya knows who is the First Young Lady of the Newmans, but who knows me? My parents divorced when I was very young, and my dad used to be a manager of the state enterprise. The new clothes I get every New Year are all given to me by you… “We are both the daughters of the Newmans. Why should I live such a pitiful life when you live a luxurious life?” Eve cried.

“Is this my fault?” Hailey frowned. In Eve’s eyes, Hailey’s love was actually a charity. “Your biggest mistake was turning down Luca!” Eve wiped away her tears, and a proud smile appeared on her face. “You didn’t expect him to be good to me, did you? Why did you reject him? Luca is the heir of the Edwards family. Countless socialites in Poya want to marry him, and only

you don’t know what’s good for you! Do you know that Luca is going to marry me soon? From then on, I will be the Young Madam of the Edwards family. The

Freaktube Group is much more powerful than Crystaldale now!”

“As expected, there is no logic in this.”


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