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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 When the Silly Dog Meets the Dirty Dog

Ava didn’t show any mercy when giving Cindy a clout, making Cindy’s face, the bones of which had already been quite fragile due to the cosmetic surgery, now badly mutilated. Cindy tried to win Reid’s sympathy and support by showing him her injuries on the face, just to find her husband flee away as if meeting a ghost. Cindy was extremely exasperated, blaming herself for being so blind as to end up with such a spineless coward when she had had a multitude of choices of men before. The damned Newmans! She just cursed and determined to redouble the indignity to the hateful Hailey and Ava that

they had inflicted on her.

Cindy then hastened to the hospital to repair her face, where she made a call to Reid in tears, asking for justice from him for the outrageous bullying of Hailey and Ava. Reid, who had been guilty for escaping in the first place, now suddenly became full of manliness hearing her imploring voice, though partially because he didn’t need to face her horrible face while talking on the phone. “All right, babe. Those two damned girls should have had the guts to pick on my wife! I swear I’ll give them a good lesson!”

Hailey was having supper with two cousins. The moment Eve got herself seated at the table, she lifted

her hand as if casually, just to show off her engagement ring. Despite the dazzling glare of the 10-carat

diamond, Hailey and Ava just ate the dishes attentively without raising their eyes.

Were they blind? Eve asked in her heart sullenly and finally coughed deliberately for the attention of her

cousins. She then raised the question to Ava, “How do you like the diamond ring of mine?” Ava squinted as the glare of the diamond was too unpleasant for her eyes. She just replied blandly, “Not


“Only not bad? Come on! For this little garget, our Luca went elaborately to Italy and searched throughout

the whole Florence!” Eva radiated the happiness of a future wife while appreciating her favorite ring. “He chose this one with a crown pattern as he knows I dream to be a princess. I just can’t love him more!” Hailey said with a hint of sneer while enjoying her egg soup, “You just can’t be too careful facing a man, especially one like him.” Eva was too engrossed in her ecstasy that she wasn’t able to think sanely. She just replied Hailey with a snort, thinking her cousin was saying that merely out of jealousy. “Eve, are you really going to marry Luca Edward?” Ava asked. Eve nodded with a wild smile, “Yes, though I always think I’m too young for that. But Luca just insists on that, saying it’s best to marry when we’re young.” “Or it’s best to marry and have affairs when we’re young?” Hailey suggested, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s best to have a thorough check about how many women he’s having affairs with now. Mind your health when dating with such a man.” Eve’s susceptibilities was wounded and she flew into a rage with great embarrassment. “Hailey, do you have to curse me even if you don’t want to give your wishes to my marriage? You really hate to see

others leading a happy life? I actually could well understand your grudge against the relationship of Luca

and me.”

Hailey responded with a faint smile, “You are thinking too much. You two match each other well…” Eve regarded her suspiciously. That didn’t sound like Hailey’s harsh style. And Hailey did utter that second half of the sentence as expected, “…when the silly dog meets the dirty dog.” “You…” Eva rose to her feet in a fury and shouted at Morgan, who happened to be walking down the stairs, “Dad, look at my cousin! What was she talking about!” “All right, Eve.” Morgan tried to ease his daughter up, and then turned to Hailey with a reproachful look, “Hailey, do you have to utter the ominous when we are talking about a happy wedding?” He then patted Eve, “Have you sent your wedding invitations to your cousins?” “Oh yes. Here are the invitations.” Eva remembered that and passed them to her cousins. Compared to the lovely red cover and paper, the handwriting inside could only be deemed as a disaster. Hailey just couldn’t help shaking her head at such humiliation to human civilization. As Eva was flaunting her wedding arrangement, someone broke in.


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