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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112 Are You Worthy of that?

Eve couldn’t help bursting into laughter seeing her Uncle Reid so embarrassed. Reid took great efforts to stand up by holding the chair. Wincing out of the sharp pain and darkening his face, he pointed at Ava, “Come over here, you nasty girl! You dared to hit your mother!” “She is not my mother! My mother has long died!” Ava yelled. Reid was stunned that his good daughter could have been so daring as to shout at him. He almost stammered, “You…you are out of your mind?” “Who is the one that loses his mind, I beg your pardon?” Ava walked up from behind Hailey, her eyes reddening. “Father, Cindy is not my mother. My mother’s name is Lilian Downing, and I wonder whether you still remember her name, her appearance, and the reason for her death.” Seeing her father evading in great astonishment, Ava sneered lightly, “So you’ve forgotten all those, haven’t you? No wonder. You’ve been so busy with the affairs with countless women until you were fascinated by Cindy and totally surrendered to her when she gave you a son. But could you still remember the fact that she factually killed my mother?”

“That’s bullshit!” Reid kept narrowing his eyes, “What has it got to do with Cindy when your mother killed


“You are still being partial for that woman!” Ava put on a cold look. “My mother has never led a happy life in the marriage with you even just for one day. She didn’t bother to, and was not able to intervene in your debauched life outside, but you just advanced to bring that nasty woman back home!” Her face now was

stamped with hostility. “You allowed that woman to appear in our home as your secretary so brazenly

and so often that my mother eventually ended up with the fatal disease due to grudges.” “Shut up, you!” Reid denied flatly with one sweep of his hand. “Her disease all comes from the bad genes

of her family and her bad luck. Nothing to do with me there.”

“How could her illness worsen so fast were it not for the affair of Cindy and you?” Ava finally failed to hold the tears in her eyes out of a severe ache in the bosom. “You even said the best things for a middle-aged man are social position, fortunes, and a life without a wife! So you have been expecting her to die!”

Hailey just stared at Reid coldly. She had only been aware his wife died of fatal cancer which was too late to be discovered, having no idea the illness came from resentment. Everyone knows the mental state is so closely knitted with physical health that emotion is just the bridge that connects psychology with human body. You’ll have to cure a patient partially by medical means and partially, the psychological


Hailey thought of the experience of herself that she had been so mad about Owen’s taking care of Eliza


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