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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 After a good night’s sleep, Floppy was so well behaved that he didn’t even bark. In the early morning, eating breakfast cooked by Kyle, Hailey was in a good mood and felt refreshed. Nicholas and Kyle did not hire a nanny, both of them were busy with their work and had little time to tidy up their home, so they often hired a part-time worker to clean up their home. The place was very clean and tidy. And it was very homey. In the living room, there were two cushions on the large European-style sofa. They were a pair of cartoon portraits of Kyle and Nicholas, which were given to them by Hailey a few years ago and they were still well kept here today. On the TV stand were photos of Nicholas in a suit and a photo of Kyle in a white coat. At first glance, one could clearly see there were no clothes inside the white coat. There were also photos of the two together, in all kinds of styles, casual, formal, old-fashioned …… shoulders to shoulders, and posing intimately. Hailey had been staring at them and appreciated them for a long time before she realized afterwards that this seemed to be – Wedding photos!

Kyle handed the buttered slice of bread to Hailey and then passed her a glass of milk. “Drink this.” She took the slice of bread but was going to take a pass on the milk, as she was never the biggest fan of it. “I don’t like this stuff; it smells like leather shoes.” Kyle insisted. “It’s for protein.” Hailey then picked up the hard-boiled eggs. “Then I can eat two more eggs and get my protein as usual.”

Kyle shook his head helplessly, unable to do anything about her, so he had to enjoy two cups of milk all to himself. “I seem to remember that mym doesn’t like milk either.” Kyle poured down half a cup of milk and pondered, “I guess it’s a genetic

thing.” Hailey couldn’t agree more. How else could it be that everyone else found milk to be nice, but only she found it to be stinky? But having inherited so many good genes from her mother, this little flaw was nothing for Hailey, as no one was perfect, and she took it in

stride. “The surgery is scheduled for ten in the morning, do you want to go and meet the patient and have a chat?” Hailey took a sip of her juice and nodded. “Definitely. Although I have learned the basic situation, we still need to meet the patient in person to know the specifics.” The two siblings quickly finished their breakfast and rushed to the hospital. Kyle was born into a family of distinguished doctors. His ancestors had been doctors for three generations, and his grandfather had built a high-end medical institution in Berny. The current director was Gremio Welch, Kyle’s father, whom Hailey called Fourth Father. Under the guidance of his grandfather and father, Kyle, the only son of the Watson family, had no choice but to follow in his father’s

footsteps and become a doctor, and he was now the signature of Leacham Hospital. Kyle specialised in neurology, while Hailey was the expert when it came to neurosurgery.

The medical team was ready to go. Hailey went to the dressing room to get changed and then took the medical staff to the ward to check on the patient’s condition. Kyle, also dressed in a white coat, walked alongside her in the direction of the special ward, while reminding her, “The patient is not very stable, so you should pay attention to your attitude and wording, so as not to touch his sensitive nerves.” “I know.” Hailey had seen all kinds of patients before, and she had even seen a patient as difficult as Owen, so she was never afraid of dealing with patients. As she walked to the door of the ward, she saw a thin, frail girl sitting on a bench at the door, lost in thought. It was only when Kyle called out to her that the girl came back to her senses. She slowly looked up, and Hailey saw an extremely innocent and pretty face, with big watery eyes and a timid and well-behaved look, looking naive and unworldly. “Dr. Watson.” The girl spoke softly, with her voice dripping with a choked sob, but a smile lifted the corners of her mouth. She did not stand up, but simply dropped her gaze back onto Hailey and said in an inquiring tone, “This is the one you were talking about,

the almighty Dr. Grace, right?” “Yes, this is Dr. Grace, who will be operating on Harrison Bush soon.” Kyle gave the girl an introduction,

Only then did the girl stand up and extend her hand towards Hailey. “Dr. Grace, my boyfriend, Harrison, is counting on you now.”


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