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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Matthew had heard a lot about Dr. Grace and admired her for a long time. After all, he knew how badly Owen had been injured. Back then, his bones were shattered, and he had suffered all kinds of crushing fractures. And Dr. Grace pulled off the operation with her healing hands. Since then, Dr. Grace had become almighty in his heart. But the point was, she’s a woman! A real goddess. And to his surprise, this goddess was Hailey Newman! Hailey was Dr. Grace? How could this be possible? How was this possible? Wasn’t she just an ordinary nursing assistant to Owen back then? But when anything impossible happened to Hailey, it seemed that nothing was impossible anymore. Hailey Newman, also known as Dr. Grace, frowned heavily and swept an unkind gaze toward Matthew. “What are you shouting about? No noise is allowed in the hospital, so if you shout again, you will be asked to leave.” “……” Matthew pursed his lips tightly. Well, with this arrogant tone and cold attitude, no one but Hailey would dare to treat him like this. But he still felt like he was dreaming …… He stretched his arm in front of Owen and said, “You pinch me.” Owen raised his hand and slapped Matthew hard on the back of the head, nearly sending him plunging back to the floor. Matthew almost screamed out in pain, rubbing the back of his head in pain and glaring at Owen. “Can’t you be a little gentler?” “Pain helps you wake up.” Owen was not distressed,

Matthew had a sad face. He was wide awake; however, he was almost sent to hell, accusing, “You cruel man!”

Kyle, as a gay man, even found this scene a bit hard to digest.

“If you guys want to flirt, please go outside, don’t be such an eyesore and affect the patient’s mental health.” After Hailey finished this sentence, Harrison, who was lying on the bed, added, “Dr. Grace is right, you two are disgusting enough in the army, you guys can go get a room, doing this in public is unnecessary.”

Owen frowned. Matthew hurriedly waved his hand to explain, “We’re not that kind of relationship, he just has a crush on me.” Owen said coolly, “You’ve got the subject and the object backwards.” “……” Matthew’s eyes widened, “Shit, you’re an asshole!” Harrison rolled his eyes speechlessly, not only was it such an eyesore, but it was also a pain to listen to these two. Hailey didn’t bother to pay attention to them and checked Harrison’s basic condition with her own hands, which was similar to what was recorded in the medical records, with slight discrepancies that she had manually modified. Unlike other doctors’ fancy fonts, she wrote her medical records in cursive script, which was spontaneous and smooth, beautiful, and

atmospheric, and as Owen watched, his heart skipped a beat uncontrollably. “The surgery is at ten o’clock, you can prepare now.” Hailey put down the medical records and gave a slight nod to Louise Waterman, who was always guarding the door and full of tension.


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