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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Ignore The Cheating Man

They left the police station and went to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic. It was a famous clinic in North

City. The sign at the door writes “Mercy Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic”.

The clinic occupied almost half of the street, and the decoration was very quaint. The clinic was very busy when

they arrived, but as there were many medicine apprentices to help the patients, everything was in order. The

departments were clearly divided. After getting out of the car. Owen pushed Polly forward, followed by the

others. The medicine apprentices came forward. When they saw Ryan and Hailey, they excitedly welcomed

them in and shouted happily. “Charlotte, master, and aunt are here!”

Today, the people who were sitting in the hall for the consultation were the director of this clinic, Charlotte

Douglas, and also the first disciple of Ryan.

He had just finished talking with a patient when he heard his junior brother’s shout, he went out and saw Ryan

and the others coming in. He quickly put down his brush, and walked forward He bowed to Ryan and Hailey and

said, “Master, aunt.”

Charlotte had received news early in the morning that Ryan and Hailey were coming to North City to find his

junior sister who had run away from home

Unexpectedly, they came here forst.

“Charlotte!” Catherine and Charlotte hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so she happily threw herself into his

arms and hugged him,

Charlotte smiled at her and asked, “How many times have you run away from home? I heard that this time you

leave home because the man you love, who are you in love with?

Catherine looked at Matthew, and Charlotte followed her gaze to Matthew, then frowning slightly. “He’s too old

for you.”

Matthew was speechless.

As the eldest disciple of Ryan and the next leader of Fenneth, Charlotte was very mature and calm, just like

Ryan. He was young, but he was three years older than Hailey. However, he had to respectfully call her “Aunt”.

Before he could say anything more, Ryan asked them to prepare a consulting room and took Polly in to treat her


Everyone was waiting outside. Only Ryan, Hailey, and the two medicine boys were inside the room. Ryan was discussing the treatment plan with Hailey and Owen waited outside.

Catherine was hungry, and opened the bag of pistachio. She took one, peeled it, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Matthew was shocked and grabbed her hand, “Are you crazy? Didn’t you put some kind of ‘Laughing Nation in

Matthew was thunderstruck when he heard the name ‘Laughing Nation’ from Brook. That was his favorite show

when he was a child. He didn’t want to watch it anymore.

Catherine said disapprovingly. “Oh, it’s okay. I’m immune to poison. I’ve been immune to this kind of ordinary

powder for a long time.”

After saying that, she ate one pistachio,

Matthew looked at the little girl as if he were looking at a little monster. He really felt that he underestimated

the danger of this girl.

How could a child raised by Hailey be an ordinary girl? He was really too naive before!


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