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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 I Have A Lot Of Bones To Pick With Her

“Aunt Polly’s chance to recover is hier fortune and the result of our joint efforts. It has nothing to do with you.

It’s best for you to keep feeling guilty.” Hailey thought, ‘if you really loved aunt Polly, you’d better feel the thorn for the rest of your life. Alan turned to look at Hailey and took two steps forward, “Hailey, you’ve been married to Owen for so many

years, but we’ve only met a few times. I know that you have some opinions about me because of what

happened to Polly.”

Hailey didn’t say anything and quietly waited for his next words. She knew there must be some reason for him

to say that. Sure enough, Alan said with a pitiful look on his face, “It doesn’t matter if you have some opinions

on me. However, I still wanted to intercede for Maya. It was not easy for her to have such a status. If she were

really detained, her career would be ruined.”

Because of Polly, Hailey had no time to deal with Maya, so she asked Brook to stay in the police station and told

him before leaving, “Don’t let her go easily.”

Brook didn’t contact her yet, but judging from Alan’s humble attitude, Maya was on shaky ground. “Mr. Long, you really love her.” Hailey smiled faintly, “It was not easy for Maya to have today’s status. It also was not easy for her to destroy

other people’s family, and it’s not easy for her to be successful. But Mr. Long, everyone was not easy, and do

you think your wife was easy in these years?” Alan’s lips pressed into a hard line. Hailey ridiculed with a smile. “It’s not easy to live in this world, but everyone should have their bottom line

and has to pay for what they have done, including your Maya.” Alen knew that today’s Hailey was no longer the obedient and good-tempered little girl when she had just

married Owen. She was not a person to be trifled with. But he still wanted to give it a try.

“As long as you are willing to show mercy and let her go, whatever you want, I can satisfy you.” Hailey sneered and said, “Mr. Long, your words are too arrogant. First, I don’t lack anything. Second, you can’t

afford what I really want.”

After saying that, her expression turned cold, “It’s unfortunate for her that she didn’t kill me. I won’t let her

I have a lot of bones to pick with her!”

Alan wanted to visit Polly, but he was driven off by Owen. “You should go now. You will only make trouble for

her if you stay. I don’t want you to affect her mood, and I hope you won’t appear in front of her again in the


Alan left with a pale face. Looking at Hailey, Owen wanted to say something, but Hailey stopped him. “Owen, what I just said to your jerk father is also suitable for the relationship between you and me. I treated

Aunt Polly’s legs all because she’s been nice to me. This is the relationship between me and her, and it has

nothing to do with you. Don’t think too much about that.” After hearing this, Owen couldn’t say a word. Alan deserved it, and so did he. After the joint diagnosis, Hailey and Ryan discussed the treatment plan. Although Polly spent most of her time in a wheelchair, her legs were not completely numb. As long as her legs

still had feelings, there would be hope for her. At least her nerves were not completely numb.

Polly could manage to walk by herself. She was sitting in a wheelchair only because she thought being limp was

too ugly.

Polly was strong-willed and often practiced walking on her own. Sometimes, the spirit was very important. It

was because she never gave up on herself and kept practicing, so she got a chance to recover now.


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