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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254 What Excellent Work I Have Done When they arrived at the Mazedew Museum, Halley took the lead and got out of the car. The sun was shining

outside, and Hailey didn’t wait for Owen, Owen found a place to park the car. As soon as he unbuckled his

seatbelt, he felt dizzy. Recently, he often had a feeling of dizziness, sometimes accompanied by headaches and

nausea. However, he remembered that the headache and nausea had been lasting for quite some time. He didn’t

know when it started. Perhaps it started when Hailey divorced him, or when he saw Eliza’s photo with different men at the wedding,

or, at the moment he learned the truth back then… Now when he saw Eliza’s face and heard her name, he

would have a sick feeling for no reason. It turned out that love would really disappear and shift. He didn’t love

Eliza any more. Would Hailey be the same? There was a beautiful courtyard behind the Mazedew Museum. It was the home of Mr. Sharman. Owen had

several courtyards set aside for the jade carvers to work in, with tools and machines, all of which were placed

inside. Although the courtyards were not large, they were well prepared. Jason wore special protective clothing, and led a group of jade carvers concentrated on work. Donald did not

work, leisurely sitting on a rattan chair, eating snacks and drinking tea in a comfortable gesture. When he saw

Hailey coming, he greeted her idly, “Hi.” Hailey said hello, raised her eyes and swept over the broken jade fragments on the workbench. She didn’t want

to pay much attention to them. But once she glanced at them, her eyes were fixed, and she couldn’t move any


Jason was holding a pen in his hand, carefully tracing the jade. When he raised his eyes slightly, he saw his

precious granddaughter standing in front of the broken jade fragment, staring at it with big eyes. It was like a

gray wolf seeing a white rabbit. It seemed she was attracted and wanted to do something. He said in a low

voice, “Hailey.” “Yes,” Hailey answered, but her eyes didn’t move immediately. She stared at a piece of purple jade for a long

time before reluctantly looking away, raising hier eyes to see Jason’s smiling, teasing eyes. She blushed and

walked over to him with some embarrassment, saying, “Hello, Grandpa.”

Owen stood in the doorway and saw the scene. He smiled unconsciously as the corners of his lips lifted. Jason took a pen from the workbench and gave it to Hailey, saying, “Come over and help me with the painting.

You can draw what you like, for example, distant mountains, pine branches, white clouds, as you like.” “Okay.” Hailey subconsciously took the pen and naturally drew a few pine branches. When she finished, she

remembered something, saying, “Grandpa, you can ask Grandpa Donald to help you.” Before Hailey handed the pen to Donald, Jason erunted, “Don’t give it to him, his hands are smelly.” Donald’s eyes widened and he sat up. He was about to make a retort when he saw his precious apprentice

Owen’s eyes. He laid back down leisurely, saying, “Yes, you are right. My hands are smelly.”

“What’s wrong with this old inan? It’s unnormal for him not to sirupele after being mocked.” Hailey said to

hersell and was confused. After a lone time of not paintine and carving things with her grandiather, she was

happy today that she and her grandiather together finished the screen with the purple mountain.

Owen came over and rolled up his sleeves, saying, “What do you need? I’ll help you.”

Hailey glanced at his black shirt, only to understand why he was wearing a black shirt on such a hot day. It

turned out that he was wearing a black shirt deliberately. What a foxy guy!


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