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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Too Stupid Eliza had never been in such a state of panic in her life. Facing the flashing lights and reporters, she found that

the script she had originally prepared was completely useless. Her mind went blank, so she couldn’t resist and

had to run away, which caused the crowded scene to fall into chaos. It was totally a shock to the netizens who watched the press conference live. It made “Eliza Escaped” a hot

search on the Internet. The pictures and emojis of Eliza’s escape were also posted by netizens in the internet.

As the number of Eliza’s followers grew, she really had the potential to become a top star. Brook laughed and said, “What a stupid woman! Maya would probably strangle her if she knew that her dear

niece just betrayed her in front of the national audience.” Hailey shook his head, saying, “She is too stupid.” “That’s right.”

Brook said, “How could she be like this? She is both funny and poor.”

Hailey did not feel it was funny. She frowned and said with a serious face, “It’s too much of a coincidence that

this press conference is not like a clarification for Maya, but more like a confirmation of her guilt. Did you

arrange it?” “No” Brook said, “I am also wondering. The best way for the Brown family to deal with Maya’s scandal is to

downplay the scandal and not make a fuss about it, and then find a way to recover Maya’s reputation after she

comes out. Of course, we will never give her this opportunity to come out. To my surprise, Eliza is making such

a high-profile appearance. She is actually making things worse for Maya as she spoke for Maya and held a

conference, whiclı really caught people’s attention on Maya.”

Hailey also had such doubt in her mind and was thinking of checking the media that helped Eliza with the press

conference to see if it was a friend or foe. Unexpectedly, the official media suddenly spoke up and named Maya

as a tainted actress. Therefore, Maya’s future in Showbiz was completely ruined. Things were going too well. It was not until she

met Owen that Hailey learned that he and Polly had made the current progress possible. Owen drove Hailey in the direction of the Mazedew Museum. Once she arrived in North City, the accidents

happened so often that she left her grandpa at the museum. Hailey was very concerned about her grandpa. She

heard from Owen that the antique restoration project had officially started, and Jason and a group of jade

carvers had also started working, so she decided to go over to have a look at the museum.

In fact, Hailey was not surprised to see Polly take action. Polly and Maya had been enemies for years. When

Polly caught a chance to revenge Maya, she would not let it go easily. But it was a little unusual for Owen to

take action against Maya and, by the way, against Eliza. Hailey raised an eyebrow, saying, “Do you regret it?” Her words sounded extremely ironic.

Owen’s lips were pursed, and he couldn’t tell what he felt except for sadness. Matthew scolded him for being

blind at the time, because he was tooled by the two women in the Brown family and mistook them for kind,

pure and beautiful people. Tlie iwo women seemed to be beautiful, pure and innocent women with kindness,

but in fact, they were totally fool and evil-minded.

Matthew knew women very well. The first time he saw Maya and Eliza, he knew the real character of these two women. The two have malicious minds, and they did not hide it. He did not even want to look at such stupid


“You have little contact with women and are inexperienced. You think women’s hearts and minds are as clean as their faces, right? Let me tell you. No! You can’t tell a guy from the appearance. Those women who look smart and tough, like Hailey, may not really be tough.” Matthew said reasonably, “The tougher the appearance of the woman, the softer she is. Take a hedgehog for example. It is covered by thorns, but if you

she may peel off the skin, you will know that the skin inside is soft and tender. But if a woman looks innocent,


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