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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262: You’ve Got The Wrong Person

Matthew didn’t know whether he was so surprised to see his old comrade, Doris, or shocked by her words, but

the consequence was that he sprained his waist again, which had just been cured with acupuncture therapy

So, the scene in the room was that both Doris and Matthew were lying on the bed. One of them was taking

acupuncture therapy while the other was having a massage. Catherine was giving Matthew a massage while

he was enjoying it, thanks to Catherine’s wonderful skill.

However, none of the persons in the room cared about how Matthew felt. They were all looking at Hailey and

Doris. Staring at Doris’s waist, Jared was so worried about her, “Hailey, how is waist? Would there be sequela?”

Hailey answered as she was preparing the acupuncture needles, “It’s psoatic strain, which is a long-time injury

So it won’t be that easy to fully cure it.” Jared narrowed his eyebrows deeply. Lying on the bed, Matthew started

saying as he turned to look at Doris, “You injured your waist in the mission in Lower Sea. Right? We had thought

you would be paralyzed and leave the special forces, but you came back after three months. I thought you had

been fully recovered, but it’s not in fact. I mean, you’re a woman at your late twenties. Why don’t you marry a

man instead of working so hard?” “Shut up. Okay? Do you think I can go back home and inherit a family company like you who can’t make it in the

army? Doris’s face turned pale due to the pain, but she spared no effort to retort, “Besides, who can I marry?

What about you?” Catherine was speechless and so was Jared. Matthew answered immediately. “No way. I

don’t dare to marry you. What’s more, I don’t have a thing for a man.” Casting a glare at Matthew, Owen said.

“Shut the hell up.” Doris sneered, “Yep. I’m more like a man than you. You’re such a coward.” Matthew didn’t

agree with Doris at all. “What did I do? Why did you say so?” “You don’t know what you did?” Casting a look at

Catherine, Doris continued, “Girl, don’t be scared. We’re here. If Matthew really forced you to do something, feel

free to tell us. We will help you and let him take his responsibility. We’re not gonna be easy on him if he


Matthew was so speechless, since they went back to the previous topic again. Why didn’t they listen to his

explanation? Catherine said with a smile, “Miss Doris, you got Matthew wrong. He didn’t force me to do

anything. Maybe I was the one who forced him to do something.” Matthew.was wondering whether he had got

the point of Catherine’s words. “Great.” Doris gave a thumbs up to Catherine. When she got to know that the

little girl was Hailey’s niece, she smiled and corrected, “Catherine, don’t call me Miss Doris. Your aunt Hailey.

and I will probably become very good friends, so you can call me Aunt Doris or just Doris.” Hailey curved her lips

and let out a smile as she was disinfecting the acupuncture needles in the fire.

Hailey agreed with Doris that they would become good friends. People always said that there was no real

friendship between opposite sex, but Hailey thought she was so compatible with Doris. Some persons were

destined to be friends and Hailey trusted her intuition. Just as Catherine was about to call Doris, Jared, who

was standing beside Hailey, said coldly. “Call her Doris directly, since she won’t be your aunt but my wife.”


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