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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268 It Was Awful!

Facing Owen’s request for an alliance, Jared was very disdainful. The corner of his mouth twitched, “Do you

think I can’t pursue a woman I like?”

“You may success if you like an ordinary woman, but Sofia is not a commonplace woman.” Owen said, “You like her, so I think you must have investigated her, but how much do you know about her and her character? After all, I and Sofia had been comrades-in-arms for many years and had lived together, I know her

preferences and habits.” Jared’s eyes darkened, and there his eyes became cold. They lived together…He was

very envious.

Hanging up the phone, Hailey frowned as she looked at Bob, and wondered why he was in shock. Bob patted his chest and said, “I’m so scared. Sister-in-law, thankfully you didn’t tell Benson that I was here, otherwise, according to his character, the whole family would probably know about it. I just came back from the

countryside, and it’s rare for me to be at ease for a few days, and I don’t want to go back so early.” When Hailey heard this, she stopped frowned. Bob’s mother was a good person, but she liked nagging. Hailey had experienced it many times. Before Hailey would try her best to avoid Bob’s mother, because Hailey was

afraid of her nagging.

Bob said, “Sister-in-law, please don’t tell Brother Owen.”

“I won’t.”

Hailey said lightly, “Don’t call me ‘sister-in-law’. Owen and I have already divorced. Just like Benson, call me

‘Sister Hailey’.”

Bob said smoothly, “Yes, Sister Hailey. I regard you as my biological sister!”

“You are really glib.” Hailey smiled, and her nerves relaxed a lot. She walked in with Sofia.

Bob briefly introduced the situation of the club to them. This club aimed at young people, so there were many

entertainment activities. There were not only hot springs, saunas, swimming pools, but also places of beauty.

and hairdressing for women, as well as game consoles, off-road vehicles, shooting fields, court, billiards,

basketball and the like for men. In the huge North City, there were many private clubs, but it was rare to see

such a complete variety club. Hailey and Sofia first chose to go to the hot spring and sauna to take a good rest. Bob asked the waitress to take them in and said, “Just call me if you need to.”

After finally treating Hailey and Sofia, Bob took a deep breath. He hurriedly ran to a box, “Oh my God, this is

really a test of my acting skills, and I almost gave it away. Fortunately, I am smart and took control, otherwise

I would die here today!” Bob gulped down a large glass of water before He told Owen and Jared what happened,

and told them what Hailey and Sofia were doing. He asked, “Do you want to go?”

As soon as Jared heard that Sofia went to the hot spring, Jared had imagined something in his mind. He

coughed lightly and asked, “The hot springs are joined or separate?”

“Do you mean as for men and women?” Bob asked, “The pools for hot springs are separate. Women are in


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