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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Hailey and Sofia Disappeared

Because Hailey and Sofia were going to take a sauna, they locked their personal belongings and mobile phones

in the closet. They just wore pajamas. They even didn’t wear underclothes, so they had no protection at all.

They couldn’t call for help, so they could only rely on themselves.

Sofia watched the group of men in black vigilantly, squinted to compare the number of opponents, with their

own’s fighting strength. She asked Hailey, “Can you fight?”

Hailey said, “Of course. I must fight.” She asked Sofia, “Is your waist ok?”

Sofia said, “I must fight. Go!”

As soon as she said the word, she and Hailey acted at the same time. Hailey kicked the man in black who was

grabbing her with her leg, pressed his shoulders and made him kneel in front of her. Then Hailey punched him

hard, stepped on his shoulders and in mid-air kicked the other two men in black gracefully.

Sofia just gave a black-clothed bodyguard an backdrop. Looking at Hailey’s graceful figure, she realized that

she had underestimated Hailey’s strength, and her lips couldn’t help but curved, “Good, Hailey!” Without any

worries, Sofia would fight freely. She broke a bodyguard’s wrist and folded it inward, and heard the crackling

sound of the bones. The guard’s wrist broken. The bodyguard screamed in pain, “Ah

Eliza was pulled up from the water by the man through her hair. She felt that her scalp was about to be ripped

off. Before she could recover from the pain, she saw Hailey and Sofia were fighting with bodyguards and it

seemed that they had knocked down many guards. She widened her eyes in astonishment, “Hailey actually

knew martial arts!”

The man’s amber eyes were very sharp, and he watched Hailey. He asked with a thick and hoarse voice, “Do

you know her?”

“Yes!” Eliza nodded. She clutched the man’s arm, and was scared and cruel, “Mr. Joe, we can’t let them run

away! We must catch them! They have a grudge against me!”

“Oh.” The man replied lightly, without looking at Eliza, and said, “I’ll listen to you.” He walked out of the hot

spring pool with his long legs, and used a towel to wrap around his waist.

Sofia and Hailey were fighting intensely. Although the two girls were powerful, opponents were too many and

Hailey and Sofia were outnumbered. The girls had no weapons in their hands. If they had a dagger, it wouldn’t

be so hard. They must change something. Hailey looked at Sofia, who was trapped on the ground by the two

burly bodyguards. She frowned and knocked over the bodyguards who entangled her with one punch. Then she

hurried over to rescue Sofia and helped her up, “How is your waist? Are you okay?”

Sofia put her hand on her waist, shook her head, and said “it’s okay”. Then her pale face, frowning eyebrows,

and sweat on her head exposed the truth. Sofia’s waist injury hadn’t healed, and they wouldn’t be able to last

long if they kept fighting like this. Hailey raised her eyebrows and saw the red button on the wall, which was a

fire alarm. She instantly trotted over and pressed the button, and the alarm went off. They finally sent a distress signal! “Okay!” Hailey’s expression loosened, and was about to announce the good news to Sofia, when she turned her head and saw an aloof man behind Sofia.


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