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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Three Old Men

Knowing that Valentine’s Day was approaching, Hailey packed up and prepared to go back to Poya to participate in the opening ceremony of the racecourse project. As one of the owners, Matthew surely had to go with her. However, Catherine was going to go back to Fenneth

with Ryan.

During this period of time, because Matthew hurt his waist, Catherine treated him with massage and acupuncture therapies. The little girl

was usually naughty, but she was really good at medical skills. Gradually, the two developed to be friends.

Matthew just thought the friendship like it, “Because you help me heal my waist, I won’t mind the pain you’re your pistachios have brought


His thought was not what Catherine wanted. “Matt, I’m leaving soon, and will you miss me?” Catherine looked at Matthew expectantly with

her dewy eyes.

Matthew was stared at by countless girls, but he couldn’t know how to make a response to the expression in Catherine’s eyes, and looked

away. “May…Maybe.”

“Really?” Catherine smiled and said, “Then you must miss me every day.”

Matthew laughed angrily because of the unreasonable request, “Do I have to miss you every day?” He hadn’t missed any woman every day

until now, and neither did a man, so, it was impossible for him.

“Of course!” Catherine thought everything was possible. “If you miss me every day, you won’t have extra time and energy to make a


“I must make a girlfriend.” Matthew said, “I am not young. If I don’t have a girlfriend, it will be late for me to have one. Do you want me to

be single till death?”

“You won’t die alone, and I will be with you.” Catherine said solemnly. “You just wait for me, I will take the college entrance examination in

a year, and then I will choose a university that is close to you. In this way we can stay with each other.”

Stayed with each other…Matthew was shocked by her, “Katie, you should study hard now, and then go to a university. Don’t think about the

romantic relationship.”

Catherine snorted softly. “Don’t look down on me. I’m good at studying. You don’t let me pay attention to the romantic relationship, and

you can’t think about or have it either. You should be fair.”

Matthew nodded perfunctorily as if he was coaxing a child, “Well, okay.”

“We can’t just talk, and we need to make a pinky swear”

Catherine held out her little finger. Matthew’s eyes widened, “Why?” He had never done such a childish behavior since he graduated from

the kindergarten! He refused!

“The swear cannot be changed for 100 years.” The refusal was invalid. Catherine forcefully hooked Matthew’s finger, and after that, she

also put her thumb against him, “If anyone violates the agreement, the person’s underpants will have holes!”

“Wow, this is too excessive.” Matthew marveled at Catherine’s thought. Catherine was very satisfied.

Ryan shouted impatiently outside, “Catherine, come out quickly! We have to leave!”

“I am coming!” Catherine waved her hand to Matthew, “Goodbye, Matt. Don’t forget me. You must miss me… She almost slammed into

the door, and longingly blew a kiss to Matthew when she went out.

Matthew was completely amused. The corners of his lips always rose, “Children now, are really…”

At an airport of North City. This time, Polly with Ryan went to Fenneth, and they were a group of people. Hailey wrapped a thin silk blanket

and gave it to Polly. “Auntie, I bought you a ready-made blanket because of the limited time. You just use it first. I’ll embroider one for you

later. Send me the patterns you like.”


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