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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 292

Chapter 292 Took Me away with You

The appearance of Hailey stopped the war between the three men appropriately. “Grandpa.” Hailey called Jason softly, and then politely

greeted Donald and Steven.

Seeing Hailey, the three old men immediately stopped their arrogant behaviors, and became very upright and decent. “Hailey is here.

Come here and sit down.” Steven looked at Hailey very happily and gently.

However, Jason starred at him and called Hailey to his side to show that he was the grandfather of Hailey. “Why did you come here

today?” Jason asked with his hands doing something. He had already carved a rather large Pixiu when he spoke just now. The carving

was meticulous and lifelike.

Hailey watched the Pixiu, wishing to see every line clearly, and subconsciously said, “I’m going back to Poya, so I come here to say

goodbye to you.”

“Go back now?” Before Jason could speak, Steven and Donald couldn’t be quiet, and stood up one after another.

Only then did Hailey move her eyesight away from Pixiu, and nodded slightly to Steven and Donald. “Yes, I will be back by plane this

afternoon. There is still some work to be done in Poya.”

“Yes. Work is important.” Steven said, and then asked implicitly, “Then, will Owie go with you?”

Hailey’s face was calm, and she said indifferently, “He hasn’t fully recovered yet, and he has to stay in the hospital for a while. He staying

in North City is better.”

“Yes. Why does he come back? He can just cause trouble for others.” Jason said angrily, and then said to Hailey. “It’s okay, Hailey. You just

go back to do your business. I will earn money for you!”

Hailey was amused by her grandfather, “Okay~” Hailey stayed with her grandfather for a while, and then Chris reminded that it was almost.

time to leave, and Hailey formally bid farewell to the three men. When she left, she gave a large sum of money to Donald, saying it was

for Jason’s accommodation expenses.

Donald’s eyes widened and he refused, “Take it back! He doesn’t need to pay accommodation expenses living here. Are you kidding me?”

Saying these, he was stunned when he stared at a box of cash. Because he had seen so much money before, so he was shocked. It was

so much money…Hailey was much generous than Jason.

“It’s not just for the accommodation.” Hailey said with a smile, “My grandfather is impatient and has a bad temper. Please forgive him,

Grandpa Donald.”

Donald said, “If you say it, then…”

Jason heard it inside, and said, “Aww, who are you talking about having a bad temper? Why do you think I have a bad temper?”

Donald turned around and made a grimace, “Your temper is really bad, but you still don’t admit it.”

Jason poked his head out of the window suddenly, which made Donald stunned. Looking at a box of cash next to him, he pursed his lips,

and said to Hailey, “Hailey, I don’t eat feasts of fat things here, so why do you give him so much money?”

“It is for the accommodation fee of half a year, so it is not much.” Hailey said, and ordered Chris to bring in a delicate-looking and plainly

dressed girl, “She is Amy, and she will take care of you from now on.”

Jason and Donald shook their heads and waved their hands repeatedly when they saw that the little girl even looked younger than Hailey.


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