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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297 Karl Was Domineering and Gentle

As soon as she asked this question, it was unexpected for Karl.

But Karl was her brother after all. He pondered for a moment and asked her, “Who told you that?”

“Roger.” Hailey didn’t hide it from Karl.

Karl asked another question, “What did he say exactly?”

“I recorded it and I will send it to you.” Hailey got up the courage, found the recording, sent it to Karl, and listened to it herself.

When Karl had probably finished listening to it, she couldn’t wait to ask, “Isn’t it? Did I misunderstand it? What he said was that my parents

are not dead, right?”

Hailey was very emotional, and she urgently needed someone to tell her that her parents were not dead. Scott and Nancy were still alive!

“Hailey, calm down.” Karl’s voice was low and clear, “What he said is 1 don’t know if they are alive or not, but I didn’t kill them anyway”.” He

paused and said calmly, “He’s coaxing you.”

Her heart sank. Hailey had a feeling that she finally saw a glimmer of hope, but once again fell into a sense of dark despair.

In an instant, all the strength in her body was taken away. But she still didn’t give up.

“What if it’s true? What if…?” Hailey said in tears, “What if the two corpses that were burned to ashes in the car three years ago were not

my parents? What if they are still alive… Karl, give me some hope!” She closed her eyes and her tears couldn’t stop shedding. The feeling

of powerlessness all over her body made her almost unable to hold the phone.

Just as her phone was about to fall from her hand, Karl said again, “I’ll immediately send someone to investigate.”

“Go ahead and investigate it!” Hailey found back her strength finally, “Even if there is a glimmer of hope, we can’t give up, right?!”

She still couldn’t calm herself down. “Right.”

Karl’s voice was soft, and he asked, “Since Roger had called you, where are you now?”

Hailey replied obediently, “On the way back to the Garden of Rose.”

“How long will it take?”

Hailey glanced out the window and said, “Five minutes or so.”

“OK” Karl said, “From now on, stop talking and calm down.”

“Okay” Hailey responded and hurriedly said, “Karl, don’t hang up!”

Karl said, “Okay, I won’t hang up.”

After Karl said he wouldn’t hang up, Hailey suddenly remembered that he seemed to be still in a meeting. “Forget it. You can go back to

work. I’ll just calm myself down.”

“I have five minutes to spare.” Karl’s voice was gentle, which was somehow reassuring. “Ill be with you.”

Hailey sniffed and said, “Okay”

She leaned back on the seat. Through the broken window, the cool evening wind blew in, making her gradually calm down.

“Karl,” she begged softly, “I want to hear you play the piano.”

Karl agreed readily, “Okay”

After a moment, soothing and smooth piano music slowly came from the receiver, revealing a touch of quietness and sadness.

Hailey was tone-deaf since she was a child, but she remembered this piano piece called The Sound of Silence, and it was the first piece

Karl had played for her.

Back then, she was

very young, and Jared and Brook teamed up to make fun of her, and she couldn’t beat them. She accidentally stepped

into a puddle of mud and soiled her new dress.

She was so sad that she couldn’t stop crying. Brook almost knelt to her, but couldn’t make her happy again. Karl took her to the piano, sat

down, and played this piano piece to her. When she heard it, she immediately stopped crying.

Karl could soothe her pain with a piano piece! Karl played her for five minutes until Chris whispered, “Ms. Newman, we’ve arrived at the

Garden of Rose.” The music on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly.

Hailey glared at Chris and said dissatisfiedly into the receiver, “Why don’t you play it for an extra minute? You’re so stingy”

“You can’t be too greedy.” Karl joked with her and asked, “Have you calmed down?”

Hailey replied with a simple “yes”.

Someone on the other end of the phone urged Karl in Yardeenese to have a meeting, saying “Everyone has been waiting for a long time”.

Karl said in an indifferent and dignified voice, “Well, let them wait.”


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