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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Happy Valentine’s Day

Hailey’s smile froze when she saw Matthew and Owen. They might as well not come.

Owen walked towards her, smiling brightly, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Hailey didn’t even smile at him, and said ruthlessly. “If you want me to be happy, you should lie in the hospital obediently instead of coming here.”

He knew that he would be criticized if he came, but he wanted to see her and spend Valentine’s Day with her. So he came anyway. Owen pursed her lips slightly, trying to make her happy, but he didn’t know what to say. “How can I sit by and watch you busy working alone on such an important occasion?”

Hailey thought it made sense. It seemed they had a conscience.

Compared to Owen’s caution and coyness, Matthew was much more confident. He walked over casually, held Owen’s shoulder lazily, and greeted Hailey, “Hailey, Happy Valentine’s Day!”

Matthew smiled brightly and said, “Today is the day for couples to see each other and have fun. You should be happy for them. Why don’t

you smile?”

Hearing his words, Hailey felt even more annoyed, and said coldly, “I wonder how it feels to be single on Valentine’s Day.”

Owen said, “What do you mean?”

Matthew explained, “Are you stupid or something? She’s referring to you.”

Owen felt speechless and said, “You’re so mean.”

He caught up with Hailey. Matthew smiled casually, and stepped forward to rub Hailey’s shoulder, “Well, was Catherine a fortuneteller in her last life?”

Hailey gave him a sideways glance.

Matthew complained, “I went to hang out with a girl last night. I wanted to develop a relationship with her and tried to get a girlfriend before Valentine’s Day. I couldn’t spend this festival about love alone, right? Guess what? Before we even kissed, my underwear was torn It was so embarrassing that I instantly lost interest. I changed a new one this morning, and it ended up being torn with three holes!”

Hailey couldn’t help laughing.

Owen looked up suddenly.

Hailey asked with interest, “What does this have to do with Catherine?”

Matthew told Hailey that when he left North City, Catherine had asked him to promise that he wasn’t going to hit on girls, or his underwear would be torn. He hadn’t expected it to come true.

“This is simply the most vicious curse, isn’t it?” Matthew felt that Catherine was amazing.

Hailey couldn’t help laughing again, and gave Matthew a dirty look, “You deserve it. She didn’t think Catherine was very amazing. She only

thought that there should be some quality problem with the underwear Matthew had bought.

However, Matthew had a guilty conscience. Once his underwear was tom, he did not dare to do some bad things. Everything had its


Hailey was in a much better mood after hearing Matthew’s joke.

Owen followed behind her and could see Hailey’s smiling face. He looked at Matthew, who was chatting and laughing with her and

couldn’t help gritting his teeth. This was the first time he had felt so jealous of Matthew.

The preparations for the pre-event activities were sufficient, and many people came to the opening of the racecourse

Today was Valentine’s Day and it happened to be Saturday. There were a lot of couples here. They came to ride horses, soak in the hot

spring, and enjoy a romantic date.

Out of respect for the Moore family, the Newman family, and the Holland family, many wealthy dignitaries from North City, Poya City, and

Belindao City showed up, and friends from all walks of life came to congratulate and visit. There was an endless stream of guests.

Matthew and Owen were both very sociable, and they could handle such an occasion with ease. With their help, Hailey found her work

much easier.

Many friends from North City had seen Hailey and knew that she and Owen used to be husband and wife. They were all surprised that the

two were working together again.

Hailey’s title was no longer “Mrs. Moore”, but the heir of Poya City’s current richest Crystaldale Group. In just three months, the name of

Ms. Newman spread throughout the business world.

After all, she had had a narrow escape, seized power from her uncle, and taken control of Crystaldale. She had single-handedly defeated

the Freaktube Group and led the Crystaldale to become the richest Group in Poya City again. They were all major events that shocked the

whole country and could be called legends.

Although many marketing accounts didn’t know Hailey and had neither seen her photos nor read any of her interviews, they still described

her as a powerful female role model. Many people were interested in her. There were also a lot of people who were interested in Owen

and Hailey’s previous marriage.

“Mr. Moore, congratulations! You got such a good piece of land.” The chairman of the Everlasting Group in North City and his wife came

over to shake hands with Owen and congratulate him.

Owen smiled lightly and said, “Thanks, Mr. Joseph. This piece of land was acquired by Crystaldale, and I just joined the project as a


“I’ve heard that. Ms. Newman is a powerful woman. Could you introduce her to me?”


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