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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Triple Kill

“I’m going.” Owen said lightly, “But before I go, I’ll get rid of the person who should be dealt with ”

With that, his eyes were cold. Matthew had not seen such a cold expression on his face for some time and was a

little stunned.

“Wow!” He made a very exaggerated expression, “For a moment just now, I thought the sniper from the

Dragon Special Force was back. You look so handsome!”

Owen rolled his eyes at him and didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

“Aren’t you going to meet your girlfriend in Fenneth? What are you doing here?”

First blood!

“What… what girlfriend? Don’t talk nonsense.” Matthew stared at him and said, “I was ordered by my father to

accompany him to Fenneth for recuperation. I’m an innocent bachelor. Don’t set me up with any girls.

“Oh.” Owen nodded, “It seems that last night the hole in your underwear affected your performance anyway.

You ended up doing nothing, right”

Double kill!

“What are you talking about?!” Matthew blushed with anger, and smashed the pillow on the sofa toward

Owen, “Haven’t you seen it? You’re talking nonsense. We are about the same size, okay?”

Owen raised his eyes, and glanced down at his waist lightly. Matthew straightened his back and showed him


“Once we were wearing the wrong underwear, and I wore yours.” Owen looked at him and said, “It was tight.”

Triple kill!

Matthew was speechless. Owen was so shameless!

It was almost another sleepless night, and Hailey hadn’t slept much for two consecutive nights, and she was



Hailey didn’t want to fight against her body, so she got off work early, and went home to catch up on sleep. She

slept soundly until dawn.

When she woke up, someone was lying next to her. She opened her sleepy eyes and saw Sofia’s extremely

beautiful sleeping face under the weak light, but her sleeping position was a bit unsightly.

Perhaps afraid of waking her up, Sofia was quite far away from her with most of her body drooping beside the

bed, and she was on the edge of falling.

Sofia was having fun with Jared for the past two days, and only came back after midnight every day.

When she came back, she was not willing to sleep in the guest room and insisted on sharing a bed with Hailey

When Hailey was a child, she had always asked her parents or her brothers and sisters to share a bed with her

She would not be able to fall asleep by herself. She only got out of the habit when she grew up.

Sofia was used to living in a group, and she would find it hard to fall asleep alone. So they liked each other, and

they hit it off and slept together.

Hailey was afraid that Sofia would fall and tried to tug her in. But Sofia woke up as soon as Hailey put her hand.

on her arm.

Her habit of light sleep was developed in her military career for many years, and she could easily be awakened

by the slightest movement. After all, it was the vacation, and her alert nerves were not so tense.

Sofia woke

up but was not fully awake. She touched her nose with her fingers, and muttered, “Jared, let me

sleep a little longer. Don’t hug me.”

Hailey covered her mouth lightly. Well, she started calling his name in her sleep. It seemed that their


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