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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302 She’s Going to Engese

Owen said lightly, “I don’t know.” and walked out of the bathroom.

and After Matthew finished washing up quickly, he ran out of the bathroom. He kept reading the news, couldn’t help but gasp, “With such a big move, The Freaktube Group was destroyed overnight. Who else could

have such great ability and courage except for Hailey herself?”

Matthew muttered, “The media arrived very quickly, and even several media in North City arrived…”

He raised his head abruptly, looked at Owen who was sitting on the hospital bed drinking water, and squinted,

“Did you participate in this matter too?”

Owen took a sip of water and said lightly, “I just sped up the process.”

Matthew silently gasped.

Hailey and Owen teamed up, and they were practically invincible together. No wonder Newell couldn’t stand it

and die.

In the Chairman’s Office of Crystaldale Group, Chris stood at the desk, whispered to Hailey, who was half lying

on the big chair, what was going on, “I sent someone to the hospital to ask. Newell died of a sudden myocardial

infarction, and the rescue was ineffective, so he just died.”

He put Newell’s death diagnosis report on Hailey’s desk. Hailey didn’t take it. She was lying there with her eyes

closed, and asked, “What’s going on with the collapse of the building?”

Chris heard that her voice was hoarse and low, and his heart tightened. He knew that his boss would ask in this

way, and he had already made preparations.

“The collapse of the building was purely accidental. We surveyed the Seulen project before. The foundation was

very unstable, and that piece of land was not suitable for building a residential area, so we didn’t bid for it

when bidding.”

Chris continued, “Newell thought it was a good bargain. After winning the bid, he hurriedly asked the

engineering team to speed up the project and wanted to quickly recover some money. There have been

collapses before, but he didn’t take it seriously…

The result of not taking it seriously was that there were large-scale collapses now. After on site exploration by

the relevant departments, it was said that the ground was unstable and the building materials were seriously

substandard, which lead to the collapse of the building.

There were five injuries and two deaths. With such serious consequences, even if Newell did not die suddenly,

he would have to bear criminal responsibility.

Hailey listened for a long time, waved her hand lightly, and stopped Chris from explaining, “Okay, you don’t

need to explain so much. I know you are not eager for quick success, and you wouldn’t take people’s lives


She had personally cultivated him and she knew his character well.

Everything that Chris had deployed recently was enough to make Freaktube Group go bankrupt. The accident

was just the last straw. As they said, an unjust person was doomed to destruction…

Hearing Hailey’s words, Chris breathed a sigh of relief.

Bankrupting Freaktube Group was a small matter, but life was a big deal. He had worked for Hailey for so long,

and he certainly knew what Hailey could and could not accept

Business wars could be unscrupulous, but Hailey would never allow anything against principles and bottom

lines, and he would not do them either.

Hailey asked again, “What’s going with Isolde?”

“Oh, I arranged it.”

Chris honestly explained that when he went to North City, he had told Hailey that Isolde acquiesced in his

brother’s loan sharking outside, and ended up with a murder lawsuit, “Her younger brother Justin took the

blame for Isolde, so she didn’t get arrested. But after further investigation by the police, they found that Justin

registered two companies outside, and the holding person behind them was Isolde. Justin knew that he might

be sentenced to death for the murder case, so he was frightened. To reduce his sentence, he suddenly changed

his mind and confessed that Isolde had ordered him to do all of this.”

Chris said, “I asked people to find out about the two holding companies and report them to the police. Justin’s

lawyer is also our man.”

At this time, Hailey opened her eyes, glanced at Chris, and said, “Chris, you’re not that simple now.”


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